Visiting Card Designer 4+

Patel Darshan

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Visiting card in professional terms is known as a business card.

A business card comprises of various entities like Name, Designation, Icon, Address, Email id etc.

The visiting card maker has various inbuilt visiting card design to facilitate high-quality user experience.

The icon of the visiting card or the overall design and texture of the visiting card reflects the identity and background of the visiting card owner or the firm owned by the owner.

The all-new Visiting Card Designer app is here to serve you with the best editing tools to create professional and diligent visiting card or business card.


- Horizontal and vertical card designer templates.
- All templates are absolutely free to use.
- Invoke text effects with profound text editing tools like font styles, spacing,shadow, text color, alignment, bold, italics, uppercase, lowercase, opacity, etc.
- Make use of the background section. Either select the explicit background photo frames enlisted by the app pr browse an image from phone gallery or capture an image via camera.
- Various sticker options aiming at the idea of visiting card.
- Employ simple touch gestures to adjust the size and orientation of the effects in the visiting card.
- Sticker section facilitates the user to create customized logo.
- Various background shape choices for logo in categories like stamp, health, camera, shopping, beauty, text, kid, food, book, business, etc.
- Invoke text effects from the text section to the logo.
make use of the effects to blend the logo. Set the opacity level of the effects via sliders.
- Various shapes reflecting a visiting card theme.
- Make use of touch gestures to adjust the size and orientation of the shapes in the visiting card.
- Preview screen displays the created visiting card. Save, share, or delete the created visiting card.

Visiting Card Designer is a profound visiting card maker and editor iOS app. Visiting Card Designer app is completely free to install and has an easy-to-install process. Visiting Card Designer app is an in-demand and readily available iOS visiting card maker app.

Visiting Card Designer app has an engaging and modern design along with flexible and user-friendly GUI. Visiting Card Designer app offers instant click executions. Once installed, no further internet connection is required. Visiting Card Designer app is a lightweight application, will not drain the device battery, memory, or other resources.

Install the Visiting Card Designer app NOW!!!


Verze 1.8

Bug Fixes

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „Patel Darshan“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

Údaje použité k vašemu sledování

Následující údaje mohou být použity k vašemu sledování napříč aplikacemi a weby vlastněnými jinými společnostmi:

  • Identifikátory
  • Údaje o použití
  • Diagnostika

Údaje nespojené s vámi

Následující údaje mohou být shromažďovány ale ne propojeny s vaší identitou:

  • Identifikátory
  • Údaje o použití
  • Diagnostika

Postupy v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se mohou lišit, například v závislosti na funkcích, které používáte, nebo na vašem věku. Další informace

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