Word Search Game Unlimited 4+

Michal Sajban

Navrženo pro iPad

    • Bezplatné
    • Nabízí nákupy v aplikaci

Snímky obrazovky


There are hundreds of word search games where you must find a given list of words but in our game Word Search Unlimited there is not such a list - simply find as many words as you can and try to make it into TOP20 highscores!

Word Search Unlimited is a relaxing word search game with 2 game modes (untimed and timed), 3 sizes to choose from, global leaderboards and more than 500 000 hidden words.

Word Search Unlimited is free to download with an option to upgrade to a full version that has more features and no ads.


* Relaxing word search game for all ages
* 2 game modes - Relax and Timed
* 3 sizes to choose from - small, medium and big
* Over 500 000 English words included
* Play offline - you can play the game without internet connection
* TOP20 - compare your score with points of other people from all around the world
* Improve your English spelling skills in an entertaining and challenging way
* Free to download


Try to find as many English words as you can on the board of letters. Just put your finger on any letter and move your finger to the neighboring letters horizontally, vertically or diagonally to select a word. Release your finger to submit the word (For your help there will be shown a green tick next to your created word if the word exists).
* Each word must have 3-10 letters
* Each letter has its own points! Create longer words for even more points!
* At the end of each game you can submit your score to a global leaderboard and see points of other people!
* You can also submit your overall score (total score from all games you played) in the main menu (bottom part of the screen).


* Relax - no time limit, play as long as you want and to end the game game tap on END GAME button in the bottom right corner!
* Timed - you have 180 seconds to find as many words you can!

Have fun with our game Word Search Unlimited and go for highscores!


Verze 5.0

* Better performance and other improvements

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „Michal Sajban“ uvedla, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby.Další informace najdete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností.

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  • Identifikátory

Údaje spojené s vámi

Následující údaje mohou být shromažďovány a propojeny s vaší identitou:

  • Identifikátory
  • Údaje o použití
  • Diagnostika

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  • Rodinné sdílení

    Když je zapnuté Rodinné sdílení, lze některé nákupy v aplikaci včetně předplatných sdílet s rodinnou skupinou.

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