Decisions, decisions

Make a choice with these apps.

To be or not to be? Tea or coffee? Bus or taxi? Call or text? All day long, we face a relentless stream of choices (some trivial, some life-changing) and, frankly, it’s exhausting.

While we can’t decide for you what career path you should take or whether your current partner is the one, these apps can take some weight off your shoulders by helping with those small, daily life decisions.

What to wear?

Every morning, people around the world stand in front of their jam-packed wardrobes with a look of bemusement, as the precious minutes tick away. With these apps you can upload your outfits, generate daily looks and keep track of the last time you wore that vintage jacket.

What to have for lunch?

If we had a penny for every time someone asks that question in the office... One way to end this troublesome musing is through meal-planning. There’s plenty of services that offer daily, weekly or monthly recipe plans, tailored to any dietary requirements or allergy restrictions. When lunchtime comes, grab your box from the fridge and enjoy your meal as your colleagues continue their debate on pizza v sushi.

Where to go on holiday?

Whether you need inspiration for a short weekend break, or are planning a sabbatical, the options of places to visit are endless. These travel apps will narrow down the list based on your budget and desired activities.

What to watch?

No more nights spent zapping between shows or watching endless teasers. With these apps, you can track the films and TV shows you’re watching (or planning to watch), and get recommendations that cater to your tastes.

For everything else

If you feel like a decision needs a coin toss, but you can’t find one with enough sides for each possible answer, Tiny Decisions will come to your rescue. Type in your question and all the possible options, and let the spinning wheel have its say.

Finally, when you’re trying to agree with a group on something, create an iMessage chat and add Decider. The app lets everyone enter their options and vote for their preference. And if you want to take your chances, Decider can randomly choose for you.