Transform photos into paintings
Linearity Curve Graphic Design
Vectornator Vector Logo AI
Linearity Curve’s Auto Trace feature turns any photo into a painting-like vector image – one that you can make as big as you want without any lost details. Blow it up to make a beautiful desktop background, or have it printed on a huge canvas to hang on your wall.
To get started, click Import in the app’s sidebar, then add a photo by clicking Photo and choosing from your library, or by dragging an image into the window. Then select the entire image (press Commmand-A), ensure Auto Trace Mode (in the sidebar) is set to Photography and click the Auto Trace button.
The default settings are just a starting point; you can get a dramatically different look by making a few tweaks. Try these:
1. Embrace the abstract
Before clicking Auto Trace, decrease the Complexity setting for a more abstract effect or increase the level for additional detail in the trace.
2. Tweak your tones
Every patch of colour in the resulting image can be customised. For example, change the opacity or shift the shade of a colour to make your “painting” more vibrant or more muted.
3. Be bold
Create a more striking piece of art by adding an outline stroke to every shape: select everything (press Command-A), click the Stroke colour swatch and choose black. Experiment with the Stroke Width slider to get just the right effect.