Meet the founders

We speak to the creative minds behind must-try apps and games.

If you could come up with a dream idea for a new app or game, what would it be? The App Store is home to countless brilliant apps and games, all of which started out as dream ideas from creative individuals seeking to make everyday life better, easier and more fun.

In this series, we highlight an awesome collection of apps and introduce you to the talented founders behind them to discover what drives them and where they get their inspiration from.

1sland: Setting sail to serenity

Developers – and brothers – Sergio and Jacobo Abril have created an instant portal to a world of tranquility with their mindful, minimalist game 1sland. They tell us how making the game has transformed their outlook on the work-life balance and how they draw inspiration from life’s simple pleasures to help others unwind.

Equilab: Galloping to success

Equilab has become the world’s pre-eminent equestrian app and a go-to resource for over 1 million riding fans. We chat to CEO Adam Torkelsson about building the app around the needs of its thriving community of riders.

Structured: Sticking to structure

How do you structure a busy day, week, life? Just ask Leo Mehlig, creator of planning app Structured. He shares how he balances app development with his studies, and how he’s helping users with a variety of needs to find their focus.

F-Sim Space Shuttle 2: Houston, we’re incoming!

This is as close to landing a space shuttle as it gets. With F-Sim Space Shuttle 2, developers Sascha Ledinsky and Mario Cada have built a flight simulator that’s so authentic, it’s even getting professional pilots excited. Find out how they did it.

Holy Owly: A fresh approach to learning English

Sisters Julie Boucon and Stéphanie Bourgeois developed the Holy Owly method to help children aged 3 to 12 learn English in a way that’s simple, playful and fun. Discover how they continue to develop the app to suit the ever-changing needs of young learners.

Planta: Happy plants, happy life

You don’t need to have green thumbs to keep your plants healthy and happy – Planta will show you the way. CEO Jesper Svensson tells us how he and his team deliver plant care advice to people around the world, and why business is booming.

Stoic: Starting your day just right

Mindfulness app Stoic helps people incorporate the positive daily habits of self-reflection and journaling into their day. Founder Maciej Lobodzinski created the app after dealing with his own mental health struggles, and he’s determined to help others find their calm, one journal entry at a time.

Mad Skills Motocross 3: Making motocross magic

Mad Skills Motocross 3 is considered the pinnacle of arcade racing thanks to its realistic tracks and endless customisation options. Read how Bryan Stealey and the team at Turborilla have turned their passion into a hair-raising hit.

Rivengard: Developing a winning strategy

The strategy genre can be a difficult nut to crack, and while Rivengard is quick and easy to learn, it still has lots of depth. Alexander Ekvall, CEO of Snowprint Studios, discusses the inspiration he and his team take from tabletop games to build this fantastical adventure.

Meet the founders