ezTasks: ToDo & Calendar in 1 4+


Designet til iPad

    • 9,00 kr
    • Tilbyder køb i appen



ezTasks is a great way to manage your tasks, lists and calendars in a single app!

Creating a new list is easy. Adding tasks to that list is even easier!
• Color code your task lists. Shopping, Home, DIY, whatever lists you want
• Lists show bubble indicators, the red bubble for number of overdue tasks, orange for due on that day, green for completed on that day and gray for incomplete tasks that have no due date
• Share a list with others, for example a shared shopping list
• Complete a task with a single tap and see the drop to the bottom of the list. You can reactivate the task with another tap!
• Set a priority for a task, more important tasks appear higher in the list
• Set a due date, the task will appear on that day and will add to the red list bubble if it is overdue
• Add alerts to a task
• Create repeating tasks, daily, weekly, monthly and more complex repeat rules if required
• Fantastic calendar views where you can see the task lists that require your attention


Version 3.1.2

Welcome to version 3.1.2 of ezTasks!
This update improves speed and reliability.
NEW: We have added a lock screen widget!
UPDATED: App translations
FIXED: Minor bugs


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