Morgan Fuels 4+

Morgan Fuel & Lubes Limited

Designet til iPad

    • Gratis



Morgan Fuels, the NEW official App to search company's fuel gas stations globally.

The NEW Morgan Fuels mobile app will guide you to Morgan fuels gas stations that are present all over the world. This app is created for mobile users around Europe and world.

This Application will allow users to see the gas stations irrespective where their current location is.

In ‘Settings’ the user can refine their search. These settings as follows:

* Sites Open 24/7 – By selecting this option user can define its search to only those sites that are open 24/7.

* Nearby Radius – This option will allow user to see sites within the given radius of the chosen location.

* Vehicle Class – This option will allow users to select between ‘HGV’ and ‘LGV’.

* Price Class – App users can select the stations that fall within the selected price class range.


Version 2.1.5

Information on Radius is shown to user so they can search for locations more easily!


Udvikleren, Morgan Fuel & Lubes Limited, har angivet, at fremgangsmåder vedrørende app-anonymitet muligvis inkluderer håndtering af data som beskrevet nedenfor. Du kan få flere oplysninger her: udviklerens anonymitetspolitik.

Data, der ikke er tilknyttet dig

Følgende data vil muligvis blive indsamlet, men de er ikke tilknyttet din identitet:

  • Id'er

Fremgangsmåder vedrørende anonymitet kan variere, f.eks. baseret på de funktioner, du bruger, eller din alder. Læs mere

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