Brawddegau 4+

Atebol Cyfyngedig

Designed for iPad

    • Free



Helo ddewiniaid geiriau!

Paratowch am antur anhygoel â geiriau gyda’n ap newydd sbon – “Brawddegau!”

Deffrwch y dewin geiriau oddi mewn: llawenhewch mewn llythrennedd gyda “Brawddegau!” Defnyddiwch ddarnau jig-so er mwyn adeiladu brawddegau ac i ddysgu am hud geiriau. Allwch chi roi’r darnau yn ôl at ei gilydd yn berffaith, a dod yn frawddegwr o fri?

Camu trwy’r cymalau: Boed yn ddechreuwr neu’n ddewin, bydd rhywbeth yma at ddant pawb! Dechreuwch gyda phosau syml cyn mynd yn eich blaen at rai anoddach, ymhen dim byddwch chi’n frawddegwr o fri.

Pynciau Di-ri: Mae’r ap yn trafod llwyth o bynciau difyr, gan gynnwys “Cwestiynau”, “Yn yr ysgol”, “Mynegi barn”, “Heddiw, ddoe ac yfory”, “Disgrifio” ac “Idiomau a diarhebion”.

Cystadlu â’ch cyfeillion: Peidiwch ag anghofio am y sgorfwrdd! Cystadlwch yn erbyn eich ffrindiau i gael y sgôr uchaf! Pwy fydd yn cyrraedd y brig?

Dewisiadau Iaith: Gyda’r dewis o iaith gyntaf neu ail iaith mae’r ap yma’n addas i bawb, boed yn rhugl neu’n dechrau dysgu.

Ydych chi’n barod am antur lythrennedd anhygoel? Lawrlwythwch “Brawddegau” a chychwynnwch ar y daith i ddod yn frawddegwr o fri

Hey there, little wordsmiths!

Get ready for an epic wordy quest with our brand-new app - "Brawddegau!"

Unleash your inner wordsmith: “Brawddegau” is here to make literacy a whole lot of fun! Use jigsaw pieces to construct sentences and discover the magic of words. Can you put together the puzzle pieces perfectly and become a sentence superstar?

Level up the excitement: Whether you're a beginner or a wordsmith wizard, we've got challenges for everyone! Start with easy puzzles and progress to become a true sentence master.

Dive into fascinating topics: The app covers a range of exciting topics, including "Questions", "In school", "The area" and "Yesterday and tomorrow".

Beat your friends: Don't forget about the scoreboard! Compete with your pals and strive for the highest score. Who will rule the realm of words?

Two languages, double the fun: Whether you're a Welsh expert or just beginning, we've got you covered with both first and second language options.

Are you prepared to embark on an incredible literacy adventure? Download “Brawddegau” now and set off on your sentence-building journey!

What’s New

Version 2.0.3

Introducing the all-new and improved app! We've completely overhauled the user interface, giving it a fresh, modern look for a seamless and engaging experience. But that's not all – we've merged the functionality of two separate apps into one. Now, with a single download, you can access the app in both first and second language Welsh variations, making it more inclusive and convenient than ever. Upgrade to the new version and embark on your learning journey today!

App Privacy

The developer, Atebol Cyfyngedig, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Not Collected

The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More

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