Picsart Animator - GIF & Video ٤+

PicsArt, Inc.

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Make awesome animations with the newest cartoon maker from Picsart!

Animations are made easy with Picsart Animator - the animation creator and cartoon maker that’s designed for ease of use and maximum functionality. Make cartoon videos or animated GIFs in a snap, without any experience, and all right on your phone! Make funny videos and cartoons - no advanced drawing skills required! Animate directly on top of your photos and bring them to life! Just doodle, have fun, and amaze your friends. Get ready to be asked, “How did you do that?!” A lot.

Looking for something a little more advanced? The animator has got all the functionality that the pros use - for free and without the learning curve! Jam-packed with animation features like duplicate frames, layers, fully equipped drawing tools and much more Animator is the only animation and cartoon-making app you’ll ever need. No complicated animation tutorials or cartoon-making steps required. Whether you’re animating selfies or sketching cartoons, Animator will make it awesome.

• Draw frame by frame animations
• See animation timeline with play mode
• Use frames management and duplication
• Draw on your photos and make animated selfies
• Get advanced drawing and sketching tools
• Use multi-layering for complex animations
• Control Animation length and speed
• Easily save as video or GIF and share to social networks like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram
• Add music to your animations

Picsart Animator is 100% free and without ads!

ما الجديد

الإصدار 1.6.4

Bug fixes and performance updates

التقييمات والمراجعات

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somerandomdudeonline ،

The shapes are never the same

Its broken in and buggy in a pot of places but it functions and has a lot of features

jana playz ،

It’s great but...

It’s a good app for starters in animation easy options and a lot of creativity is put in this app I appreciate all the work you put in it but there is some problems and bugs for example in the pattern option if you choose the rose it will give you a triangle and also I can’t undo stuff if I went to a slide and then come back to the slide I was on.what if I realized I draw something wrong by looking at the previous slide and if I erase it it will ruin the whole thing? So please guys fix these problems

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