With a Mimi Hearing Test you can self-monitor your ears.

Mimi Hearing Test

Test your hearing


If you ever have to ask people to repeat something they’ve said or have a hard time following conversations, there might be a simple reason: hearing loss.

One of the amazing abilities of the human race is our ability to adapt. However, sometimes that can work against us, especially if we get too used to not hearing well. Mimi can help determine if that is the case for you.

For any health concerns, a medical professional is always the best choice. But as it often goes, real life obligations get in the way, and we get used to the state of things. Mimi lets you check how well you hear without having to set up appointments with anyone but yourself, a quiet place and a great pair of headphones. After 12 minutes you have your first results, which can be a starting point for a visit to your doctor.

Doing the basic test for just six minutes on each ear, will give you results to work from. After that you can set up a profile and track any future changes to your hearing ability.

You can also test yourself in different situations, and you can find out which ear is the better one. If you want to compare yourself to other people your age, there’s a nifty comparison feature included. So, how about getting that hearing checked?