Shopping List 2024 4+

UAB Target Works

Dissenyada per a l’iPad

    • 4,6 • 5 valoracions
    • Gratis
    • Ofereix compres integrades

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Shopping List - is easy to use visual checklist for Your weekly shoppings. Now with Apple Watch and home screen widget support!

Apple Watch support
√ Use your Apple Watch while shopping in a store! Now you don't need to take your iPhone in and out from your pocket - you can do the whole shopping looking at your new Apple Watch on your wrist!

App Widget support
√ Now you can make shopping even without unlocking your iPhone! - Add Shopping List app widget to your widgets screen and you can checkout items more easy even without opening the app!

Shopping made fun and easy:
√ The prepared list of your usual products will save your time before each shopping!
√ The arranged order of products and aisles will save your time in a shop!
√ Colorful Retina icons and animations will make shopping fun and more fun!

Easy tapping:
√ Add new products directly from the search field - opening additional windows is not required!
√ Add notes and quantities to your products very fast - directly in the products list!
√ Tap anywhere on a shopping item to check it out - no need to precise-tap small rectangular checkbox
√ Slide list horizontally with your finger to switch between shopping and preparation lists
√ Tap icon in the list and it will open for you to edit
√ Tap list header to fast-switch between sort modes
√ iPad Two-Lists view will make shopping preparation even more convenient

Easy exchange with family members:
√ Your data syncs across your devices automatically via iCloud
√ Create sharing group, add your family members and iCloud-sync across multiple people automatically (requires iOS 10)
√ You can also send your colorful shopping list by email

Colorful icons and photos of your products:
√ Use colorful icons library to illustrate your products in just few taps
√ Take your own photos of products that are not yet in the library
√ Colorful icons even in e-mails sent from this app!
√ No more grey boring checklists!

Have fun while shopping!


Versió 8.0

* All functionality is now unlocked and does not require in-app purchase to unlock: more product pictures, more sharing options available.
* Now you can use emojis as pictures to illustrate your products
* Compatibility with newest iOS/iPadOS/WatchOS versions and newest device screen sizes

Valoracions i ressenyes

4,6 de 5
5 valoracions

5 valoracions

Mikibardaji ,

Burna aplicacion, util

Muy buena

ADeepto_ ,

Muy Útil

Muy útil y sencilla. Practica

Gsctoy ,


Faltan los precios.....Buena aplicación

Privacitat de l’app

UAB Target Works, que ha desenvolupat aquesta app, ha indicat que les pràctiques de privacitat de l’app poden incloure el tractament de les dades tal com es descriu a continuació. Per obtenir més informació, consulta política de privacitat del desenvolupador.

Dades que es fan servir per rastrejar-te

Pot ser que les dades següents es facin servir per rastrejar-te a les apps i llocs web d’altres empreses:

  • Ubicació
  • Identifica­dors
  • Dades d’ús
  • Diagnòstics

Dades vinculades a tu

Pot ser que les dades següents es recopilin i vinculin a la teva identitat:

  • Ubicació
  • Identifica­dors
  • Dades d’ús
  • Diagnòstics

Dades no vinculades a tu

Pot ser que les dades següents es recopilin, però no es vinculen a la teva identitat:

  • Diagnòstics

Les pràctiques de privacitat poden variar, per exemple, segons les funcions que utilitzis o l’edat que tinguis. Més informació


  • En família

    Pot ser que algunes compres integrades, com ara les subscripcions, es puguin compartir amb el grup familiar si En família està activat.

Més d’aquesta empresa/persona desenvolupadora

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