Gain insights by tracking symptoms and triggers.

Caria: Menopause & Midlife


Caria - Menopause Relief does just what its name promises. This friendly health app provides resources to help you deal with hot flashes, insomnia, joint pain, and other symptoms of menopause. It also helps you track those symptoms and identify triggers, like alcohol or caffeine.

You’ll start by identifying the stage of menopause you’re in. Having regular periods? You may be premenopausal or perimenopausal. Haven’t had a period for some time? You could be going through natural menopause or postmenopause. If you don’t know, that’s OK too.

Caria helps you make sense of menopause with insightful audio courses and symptom tracking.

Caria then asks your goals—whether to manage symptoms, improve your fitness or mental well-being, or learn about menopause. Choose as many as you like and the app will deliver a program tailored to you.

Programs are divided into short lessons but go into real depth. “Understanding the Change” includes seven audio lessons covering historical and cultural perspectives on menopause, while “Conquering Your Hot Flashes” offers actionable advice on a range of topics, like how to manage stress.