E-Talk: Englannin ääntäminen 4+

Opi sanakirjoja ja ääntämist‪ä‬

Matthew Williamson

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- aardvark
- aardwolf
- aaron
- aback
- abacus
- abaft
- abalone
- abandon
- abandoned
- abandonment
- abandons
- abase
- abased
- abasement
- abash
- abashed
- abate
- abated
- abatement
- abates
- abattoir
- abattoirs
- abbe
- abbess
- abbey
- abbeys
- abbot
- abbots
- abbreviate
- abbreviated
- abbreviates
- abbreviating
- abbreviation
- abbreviations
- abdicate
- abdicated
- abdicates
- abdicating
- abdication
- abdomen
- abdomens
- abdominal
- abduct
- abducted
- abducting
- abduction
- abductions
- abductor
- abductors
- abducts
- abe
- abeam
- abel
- abele
- aberdeen
- aberrant
- aberration
- aberrations
- abet
- abets
- abetted
- abetting
- abeyance
- abhor
- abhorred
- abhorrence
- abhorrent
- abhors
- abide
- abided
- abides
- abiding
- abidjan
- abies
- abilities
- ability
- abject
- abjectly
- abjure
- abjured
- ablate
- ablates
- ablating
- ablation
- ablative
- ablaze
- able
- ablebodied
- abler
- ablest
- abloom
- ablution
- ablutions
- ably
- abnegation
- abnormal
- abnormalities
- abnormality
- abnormally
- aboard
- abode
- abodes
- abolish
- abolished
- abolishes
- abolishing
- abolition
- abolitionist
- abolitionists
- abomb
- abominable
- abominably
- abominate
- abominated
- abomination
- abominations
- aboriginal
- aborigines
- abort
- aborted
- aborting
- abortion
- abortionist
- abortionists
- abortions
- abortive
- aborts
- abound
- abounded
- abounding
- abounds
- about
- above
- abraded
- abraham
- abrasion
- abrasions
- abrasive
- abrasively
- abrasiveness
- abrasives
- abreast
- abridge
- abridged
- abridgement
- abridging
- abroad
- abrogate
- abrogated
- abrogating
- abrogation
- abrogations
- abrupt
- abruptly
- abruptness
- abscess
- abscesses
- abscissa
- abscissae
- abscissas
- abscond
- absconded
- absconder
- absconding
- absconds
- abseil
- abseiled
- abseiler
- abseiling
- abseils
- absence
- absences
- absent
- absented
- absentee
- absenteeism
- absentees
- absenting
- absently
- absentminded
- absentmindedly
- absentmindedness
- absolute
- absolutely
- absoluteness
- absolutes
- absolution
- absolutism
- absolutist
- absolutists
- absolve
- absolved
- absolves
- absolving
- absorb
- absorbed
- absorbency
- absorbent
- absorber
- absorbers
- absorbing
- absorbingly
- absorbs
- absorption
- absorptions
- absorptive
- absorptivity
- abstain
- abstained
- abstainer
- abstainers
- abstaining
- abstains
- abstemious
- abstemiously
- abstemiousness
- abstention
- abstentions
- abstinence
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstracted
- abstractedly
- abstracting
- abstraction
- abstractions
- abstractly
- abstracts
- abstruse
- abstrusely
- absurd
- absurder
- absurdest
- absurdist
- absurdities
- absurdity
- absurdly
- abundance
- abundances
- abundant
- abundantly
- abuse
- abused
- abuser
- abusers
- abuses
- abusing
- abusive
- abusively
- abusiveness
- abut
- abutment
- abutments
- abutted
- abutting
- abuzz
- aby
- abysmal
- abysmally
- abyss
- abyssal
- abysses
- acacia
- academe
- academia
- academic
- academical
- academically
- academician
- academicians
- academics
- academies
- academy
- acanthus
- acapulco
- accede
- acceded
- acceding
- accelerate
- accelerated
- accelerates
- accelerating
- acceleration
- accelerations
- accelerator
- accelerators
- accelerometer
- accelerometers
- accent
- accented
- accenting
- accents
- accentuate
- accentuated
- accentuates
- accentuating
- accentuation
- accept
- acceptability
- acceptable
- acceptably
- acceptance
- acceptances
- accepted
- accepting
- acceptor
- acceptors
- accepts
- access
- accessed
- accesses
- accessibility
- accessible
- accessing
- accession
- accessions
- accessories
- accessory
- accidence
- accident
- accidental
- accidentally
- accidentprone
- accidents
- acclaim
- acclaimed
- acclaims
- acclamation
- acclamations
- acclimatisation
- acclimatise
- acclimatised
- acclimatising
- accolade
- accolades


Anything you want to pronounce!


Versio 1.0

Apple on päivittänyt tämän apin näyttämään Apple Watch ‑apin kuvakkeen.

Apin tietosuoja

Kehittäjä (Matthew Williamson) ei ole antanut Applelle tietoja tietosuojaan ja tietojen käsittelyyn liittyvistä käytänteistään.

Tietoja ei ole annettu

Kun kehittäjä toimittaa seuraavan appipäivityksen, sen on annettava tietosuojaa koskevat tiedot.

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