Treasures Maps 4+

Plus 10 Intellect LLC

Suunniteltu iPadille

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Explore 5 unique treasure maps with two different game modes. Use the trees and mountains to help maneuver around the map, while avoiding the hurricanes and water. Earn gold to unlock new icons or to help you find your way.

Treasures Maps has two awesome game modes.
-Explore Mode: Roam the map in search of the X to gain more gold coins until you run out of moves. It won’t be that easy though, for every X you collect you also gain speed.

-Challenge Mode: Complete a series of challenges by getting to the X in the least amount of moves. Try and get perfect in every challenge to unlock a unique skin per island.

Telescope: Use this to spot and navigate towards the X.
Compass: The compass always points to the X and gives you the distance away.

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Kehittäjä (Plus 10 Intellect LLC) ei ole antanut Applelle tietoja tietosuojaan ja tietojen käsittelyyn liittyvistä käytänteistään. Katso lisätietoja kehittäjän tietosuojakäytännöstä.

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