Mathematics with PocketCAS Pro 4+

Timing Software GmbH

    • 22,99 €



PocketCAS is the most advanced mathematics application for iPhone and iPad. It can help you with any kind of math problem, from elementary school all the way up to calculus, algebra and statistics. It can replace your old graphing calculator, help you with your homework, and assist you in any kind of calculation for university or work.

This app is an indispensable tool for every student, teacher and engineer. It makes college-level calculus and algebra easy and can help you in a wide range of cases. It provides features comparable with a TI-89 calculator and combines them with a modern, intuitive interface and incredible graphics capabilities.

- 2D Plots: Quickly create 2D cartesian, implicit, polar or parametric plots.
- 3D Plots: PocketCAS draws stunning 3D plots! Supports x-y cartesian plots, parametric area plots and parametric line plots.
- Animated plots: Use the variable 'anim' to animate any plot over time.
- Calculus: Calculate limits, derivatives, integrals and taylor expansions.
- Linear Algebra: Invert and multiply matrices or calculate determinants, eigenvalues and much more!
- Algebra: Perform integer and polynomial factorization and division, use permutations, and more.
- Solving: PocketCAS will solve almost any equation for you. It even supports systems of linear equations and ordinary differential equations!
- Scripting: PocketCAS' C-style scripting language allows you to define custom functions, use conditional expressions, loops and also supports recursion.
- Physical Units: Constants and units are provided out of the box. Simply enter physical formulas with the corresponding units and convert results to the units you prefer.

- iCloud support: Sync documents between your Mac, iPhone and iPad!
- Export: Print or export plots, entries or the whole document as PDF!
- Document Import: Load functions and variables from existing documents to re-use your work in other calculations.
- CSV Import: Load tabular data in CSV format and process it!
- Mathematical keyboard: PocketCAS' mathematical keyboard is unmatched on the App Store.
- Help: All functions are explained in the built-in reference. If you're stuck, there's plenty of tutorials as well as a manual ( to get you going. And you can always contact our support ( for help!
- Offline computation: PocketCAS doesn't need an internet connection to calculate results.

"This program has an incredible amount of power for such a compact program. I teach high school math, and this program can work with all sorts of expressions, graphs, and help check my work. Definitely worth it!"

"You will love this calculator. It's powerful to calculate everything, doesn't matter you're a high school student or college student. Specially for the people who like to solve problems with graphs!"

"This app is so powerful and slick looking. It is totally amazing and what it can do."

"One of three Apps I use when teaching A Level maths. Have recommended to numerous students. Excellent."

"This is one of the best. The CAS capabilities are compatible to only two other apps, and this one is all offline and includes countless additional features. It's never steered me wrong and is the first thing I go to when I'm in a hurry to figure something out. If you're a student this is pretty much as good as it can get."

"I am 8 years old and this App is awesome! It helps you learn calculus quickly. It's a work of art!"


Versio 2024.1.1

- Updated our 3D graphing from OpenGL to Metal. This should lead to better performance and nicer-looking graphs overall.
- While at it, also increased the default precision of 3D graphs from 30 points per axis to 60.
- Updated the CAS kernel to the latest version.
- Version 2024.1.1 adds dark and tinted variants of the app icon.

Arviot ja arvostelut

9 arviota

9 arviota


Korvaa erinomaisesti TI-89 laskimen

Pienen treenin jälkeen laskeminen sujuu moitteetta


Good but UI is sometimes not so intuitive

Like the app but please do add function to use the software as calculator add new line is very annoying sometimes. It could be done that each execution is handled as add new line by the app, but shown to user like using a calculator (animation is annoying). The need to move hand around the user inerface to add new line is something that could be improved by removing the need to move your hand / finger long distances...


PocketCAS on hintansa väärti

Ohjelma on nopea, intuitiivinen ja yksinkertainen käyttää. Suosittelen tutustumaan, jos matemaattiset työkalut yhtään kiinnostavat.

Kun asensin ohjelman suomenkieliseen iPhone 4:ään, valikot ilmaantuivat ensin saksaksi. Kun muutin iPhonen kieleksi englannin ja sen jälkeen takaisin suomen, PocketCAS:n valikotkin muuttuivat englanniksi. Tätä alun harmia lukuun ottamatta kaikki vaikuttaa toimivan hienosti.

Apin tietosuoja

Kehittäjä (Timing Software GmbH) ilmoitti, että apin tietosuojakäytänteet voivat sisältää tietojen käsittelyä alla kuvatulla tavalla. Katso lisätietoja kehittäjän tietosuojakäytännöstä.

Sinuun yhdistetyt tiedot

Seuraavia tietoja voidaan kerätä ja ne voidaan yhdistää henkilöllisyyteesi:

  • Vianmääritys­tiedot

Tietosuojakäytänteet voivat vaihdella esimerkiksi käyttämiesi ominaisuuksien tai ikäsi mukaan. Lisätietoja

Tuetut toiminnot

  • Perhejako

    Jopa kuusi perheenjäsentä voi käyttää tätä appia Perhejaon ollessa käytössä.

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