Play: Save Videos Watch Later 4+

Loop Apps LTDA

    • 2,99 €
    • Tarjoaa ostoja apissa


A powerful, award-winning app for bookmarking and organizing videos to watch later. Critically acclaimed by The Verge, Daring Fireball, 9to5Mac, MacStories, Mac Power Users, iMore, AppAdvice, and more.

The Verge: “This is so much better than trying to manage a library in the YouTube app”
Daring Fireball: “I queue videos from my Mac and iPhone, then watch them later on my TV”
MacStories: “Play is an excellent example of how purpose-built apps often outshine more general solutions”
AppAdvice: “Play is easy to use and synced across all of your Apple devices”
iMore: “You’ll never want to use YouTube’s 'Watch Later' function again”

■ MacStories Selects 2024: Readers’ Choice Award
■ MacStories Selects 2024: Best New Feature

Add videos from any app or website. Watch supported videos in-app for a streamlined experience. Organize them with tags, add markdown notes, assign a star rating, and more. Follow channels and playlists to get new videos as they’re released*. Organize your channels into folders and configure per-channel filters. iCloud keeps your database up-to-date on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro. You can also add and customize Interactive Widgets to quickly view and access videos from your Desktop.

Play automatically fetches metadata and bookmarks videos from a wide range of platforms. You can also add videos manually by filling in all the required fields.


- Add from another apps with the Share Menu, drag and drop, or importing from a playlist.
- Use Shortcuts actions to integrate Play into your automated workflows.
- Play also supports links to movie reviews, Instagram Reels, social network posts with an embedded video, and so on.


- Follow channels and playlists to get new videos as they’re released.
- Easily bookmark videos you want to watch and delete the rest.
- Organize your subscriptions into folders.
- Configure per-channel filters, remove YouTube shorts, and more.


- Watch supported videos in-app for a streamlined experience.
- Bookmark interesting videos throughout the day and access them later on your Apple TV.
- Control your playback position and start playing from where you left off.
- Search the video transcript to easily find and jump to specific parts of the video. *
- Quickly access your saved videos on widgets for your Desktop.


- Add notes and star rating.
- Create and assign tags.
- Use Auto-Tagging to tag videos automatically based on the rules you set.
- Use Smart Search to create custom video lists tailored to your unique preferences.
- Play supports Focus Filters to limit the videos and tags shown in the app.
- Perform bulk actions and organize multiple videos at once.
- All Play features and data are available through the Shortcuts app, so you can create custom shortcuts and automate your workflow.
- iCloud automatically syncs your database to your iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro.

Play is a modern app with support for the latest system features. It is also available on the Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro as a universal app, so you can enjoy it across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and visionOS with a single purchase.

* This feature requires Play Premium subscription.

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Versio 2.4.4

• Introducing Transcripts: Play now provides interactive transcripts, letting us navigate the video by tapping any phrase. Transcripts are also searchable, making it easy to find and jump to specific parts of the video.
• The in-app player can now automatically start playback in full screen. Configure in Settings → Player → In-App Player Window Size.
• The playback position is now automatically saved when closing the in-app player window with the Esc key.
• Fixed an issue where Smart Search in some cases could filter items incorrectly based on tags.
• Fixed an issue where the “Play All New on YouTube” button would not mark videos as watched when invoked from the File menu.

Arviot ja arvostelut

7 arviota

7 arviota


Watch Youtube without using Youtube services

For someone who dislikes Google ecosystem and algorithmic suggestions with all the tracking privacy invasion that come along with it, Play is a great app for selecting channels and watching videos through it.

When combined with ad-blocker and Airplay you can watch Youtube videos without any ads.


Waste of money

I don't see any value for this.

Kehittäjän vastaus

Play lets you bookmark and organize videos to watch later. You can add videos from multiple sources, organize them with tags and smart searches, add notes, star ratings and more. You can also watch supported YouTube videos in-app for a native experience.

For a single purchase of $2.99 you get native versions of the app for your iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Vision Pro, and Apple TV with all the aforementioned features. And, for an additional subscription, you can follow YouTube channels and get new videos as they're released.

I believe it offers great value if you require any of its features. Conversely, its value diminishes if you have no need for them. But this principle applies universally across all apps, services, and products, doesn't it?

Apin tietosuoja

Kehittäjä (Loop Apps LTDA) ilmoitti, että apin tietosuojakäytänteet voivat sisältää tietojen käsittelyä alla kuvatulla tavalla. Katso lisätietoja kehittäjän tietosuojakäytännöstä.

Sinuun yhdistämät­tömät tiedot

Seuraavia tietoja voidaan kerätä, mutta niitä ei yhdistetä henkilöllisyyteesi:

  • Ostot
  • Tunnisteet
  • Käyttötiedot

Tietosuojakäytänteet voivat vaihdella esimerkiksi käyttämiesi ominaisuuksien tai ikäsi mukaan. Lisätietoja

Tuetut toiminnot

  • Perhejako

    Jotkin apin sisäiset ostot, tilaukset mukaan lukien, voivat olla jaettavissa perhejakoryhmäsi kesken Perhejaon ollessa käytössä.

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