Shapes Flashcards & Activities 4+

Naveed Abbas

Suunniteltu iPadille

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Basic Shapes help building the memory and cognitive skills as the brain starts to relate real world objects with the basic shapes.

Memorizing the 2D Shapes and 3D shapes helps the young minds to relate the real world objects with shapes that develops communication skills, basic cognition and cognitive abilities and also helps in mathematics and geometry later in their age.

Shapes Flashcards & Activities is teaches the young minds about basic 2D shapes and 3D shapes using fun to learn interactive educational activities.

The app is baked with three activities that provides an ideal amount of knowledge about shapes. It helps to memorize the basic shapes (square, rectangle, circle, etc), advanced shapes (pentagon, hexagon etc) and 3D shapes (sphere, cylinder, cube, pyramid, prism etc) using mini games that keeps motivated to repeatedly use the app.

The first of them is a Shape Flashcard activity that uses spaced repetition technique. This technique teaches the shapes subconsciously in 8 months to 2 years. It presents the shapes in an adequate size on the screen and helps the parents and teachers to easily present basic shapes in the homes and in the classroom.

The app also has a drag and match shapes activity. It is a fun activity that not only teaches the basic shapes but also develops hand-eye coordination. This is suitable for 2 years to 4 years of age.

Touch the Shape is a fun and adaptive shapes quiz that keep asking to touch the required shape.

The app works as an interactive first book of shapes that proves its value over time. It is far better to provide educational activity apps rather than uncontrolled youtube streaming.

The app is provided in 6 different languages and two voiceovers are provided for every language.

The app is an educational resource and is ideal to be used as a reinforcement tool to teach the shapes in Montessori, PreK, Nursery, kindergarten students.

—— Activities ——

Shape Flashcard
Drag and Match Shapes
Touch the Shape

—— Features ——

- Carefully selected shapes and colors
- Multiple Fonts are provided
- Shapes Quiz
- Available in six different languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Russian)
- Carefully designed user interface.
- 2 Studio quality Voiceovers
- High Quality Pictures
- Animations and Sound

We at Holiday Educationist have a team of certified teachers onboard to consult and proof-read the apps' content for the optimum quality assurance.

Terms of Use:


Versio 2.3

Bug Fixes.
Level improvement
iOS 18 Support
Deployment Target is now to minimum 15.6

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Kehittäjä (Naveed Abbas) ilmoitti, että apin tietosuojakäytänteet voivat sisältää tietojen käsittelyä alla kuvatulla tavalla. Katso lisätietoja kehittäjän tietosuojakäytännöstä.

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