Nurture artistic creativity in nature

Watercolour with your little one in Tayasui Sketches Pro.

Tayasui Sketches Pro

Beautiful drawing tools


From luscious, green fields to falling autumnal leaves, nature is a never-ending source of artistic inspiration. Get drawing and nurture your young painter with Tayasui Sketches Pro’s easy introduction to watercolour landscape painting.

The digital drawing tools of Tayasui Sketches Pro are easy to identify and use. Your little one can pick from pencils, felt-tip markers, paintbrushes and more – without the need to put them back in the box after. Mistakes can be quickly erased and texts added where needed; paint with fingertips or use an Apple Pencil for a more refined touch.

Here are a few more tips to take your next art jamming session to a new level.

Watch closely

Being observant makes better drawings. Think of sketching a swan, for instance. The general form of the swan is important, but so are its dimensions relative to the surrounding backdrop.

Guide your budding painter as they make sense of this, and help them figure out where the light strikes and the shadow draws.

Outline your work

When you’re ready to sketch, start with the overall silhouette and form, then add in details as you go: bigger objects in bolder lines, finer specifics in thinner ones.

Control the thickness and density of your lines by applying varying pressure to the screen.

Utilise the array of available brushes, and encourage your child to experiment with what texture and feel works best. You can also take advantage of the slider to make more minute texture adjustments.

Brushes also come in different shapes.

Decide what matters

Unlike a photograph, not everything needs to be captured on canvas – only what matters to you. Take the swan’s wings for example: not every feather needs to be drawn in detail. Highlight what jumps out to you and abbreviate the rest.

Help your little one make the decision between what to include and what to omit.

Choose a palette

Once the sketch is done, it’s time to add colours. Ask your young painter to choose a shade, then take some time to try out the transparency setting.

Want to give your swan some feathers? Pick black from the palette, adjust the transparency slider, then add some shadows and texture.

Tap the rectangle on the lower right corner to open the colour palette.

Add some notes

Sometimes, text can enrich a drawing and help the artist remember a few details about their creative process. Help your little one jot down a few notes and sign their name on their work. After all, it’s important to take pride in your craft.

Tap the rectangle marked with A to add text, then drag the text box to position it.

Drawing together is a great way to bond with your child and help them express themselves in a new medium. Get creative now – sans the mess – with Tayasui Sketches Pro.