Visualise your plans

SheetPlanner lets you see how a plan comes together.


Organize. Plan. Do.


What do you get when you combine a to-do list, a calendar and a spreadsheet? SheetPlanner, a project-management app that puts your tasks on a timeline to make even complex plans more manageable.

With SheetPlanner, you enter your tasks and projects into rows on a spreadsheet, with a start and end date for each; the app plots these on the timeline to the right. By displaying tasks by when you need to work on them, the app provides a crystal-clear overview of the relationship of every deadline, how different items within and among groups interact and where to prioritise your time.

See the status of tasks, and the progress of projects, at a glance.

As with any good task manager, you can group to-dos into projects and drag tasks within and between them. You can also create smart filters to see only, for example, things due in the next week or that contain the word “social”. And when you just need to see what’s due next Tuesday, switch to the Calendar view for a daily overview of your due dates.

SheetPlanner also makes it easy to see your progress: check off a task and its bar on the timeline changes from nerve-wracking red to soothing green; if it’s part of a project, a circle next to the project name fills in to reflect the headway you’ve made.