StudySmarter: Study & Revision 4+

AI Flashcards Notes Exam prep


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StudySmarter is the #1 all-in-one learning app that makes studying and exam prep simple and effective!


AI-POWERED LEARNING: Drop your lecture slides and let our AI magically create flashcards from them.

TAILORED EXPLANATIONS: Dive deep into every subject with customized explanations generated by the experts or our AI.

MOCK EXAMS: Boost your confidence for exams with AI-generated mock exams. Simulate real exam conditions and refine your skills for success.

STUDY PLANS: A pre-organized checklist and dynamic calendar for tracking study goals and exam dates help you stay focused and motivated.



- Study with shared flashcards or effortlessly create them with the AI magic.
- Dive into millions of study sets crafted by fellow students and subject experts.
- Leverage intelligent study modes such as Spaced Repetition for guaranteed study success.
- Plan your revision with the integrated to-do list and the calendar and receive timely reminders.
- Have your learning materials always with you - online & offline

---> #1Study App: Recognized as the Best Educational App Worldwide (Wharton-QS Reimagine Education Awards 2020)

» Smart Task List: Stay organized and focused with an intelligent task list. It adapts to your priorities, ensuring you tackle the most important tasks first.
» Calendar Overview: Effortlessly manage your schedule with a comprehensive calendar overview. Plan study sessions, set reminders, and keep track of crucial dates – all in one place.
» Study Sets: Boost your confidence in what you know! Have all your study materials always with you.
» Spaced Repetition: optimize your study sessions for maximum retention and efficiency.

–Join the 25+ Millions of learners: Your All-in-One Study Tool–


- Flashcards
- Explanations
- AI Assistant
- Study Notes
- Exam Mockups
- Smart To-Do list
- Spaced Repetition
- Study Planner
- Textbooks
- Textbook Solutions

Learners love StudySmarter!

"I depended on StudySmarter during uni for flashcards on my commute. Similar to Quizlet, but with added features like note creation from lecture slides." - Oliver
"Since discovering this app, my life has become less stressful. I can't imagine my education without it." - Dylan

StudySmarter: all about your study success.
Join millions of learners worldwide who have experienced a transformative approach to education. With a 94% improvement in grades reported by our users, let StudySmarter guide YOU towards academic excellence.

Download for Free Now. Your journey to smarter learning begins!

» Offline mode: study anywhere you like!
» No ads

Terms of Use: .

What’s New

Version 12.9.0

New on StudySmarter: Discover Exclusive Deals!
Get access to discounts from over 1,000 top brands like Apple, Amazon, and more – exclusively for students.
StudySmarter – The only app you need as a student.
Study effectively and stress-free on all your devices. Create flashcards in seconds with AI, access 700 million study materials, and prepare for any exam with mock exams.

The largest Gen Z job board in Europe:
Find exciting job opportunities tailored specifically for you as a student.

Get the update and explore new features!

Ratings and Reviews

4.6 out of 5
1.8K Ratings

1.8K Ratings

JazzyBoo1510 ,

I have 1 love, and it’s this app

I can confidently say that this app is the reason I passed my GCSEs. I am well into A-level and continue to use it every day. I love it because it is so simplistic and easy to use whilst still being packed with every feature you could ever need. The fact that it is free is amazing because there are many more expensive apps that do a much shoddier job, and the adds really don’t get in the way that much.
The ability to add tags and subdivide topics ensures that my work is always organised, and the revision scheduling is so so useful. I use it on my iPad, computer and phone, so I can study literally anywhere. Not to mention the incredible and quick customer service I receive if I ever have a question. I love this app so so much and have recommended it to many students.

Thank you study smarter, you saved the day 🤩

Developer Response ,

Hello Jazzy,

Thanks for your feedback.

We are happy that our learning app supports you with your exams. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. (

Have a great day!
Your Support Team

wer45t6y787 ,

Very good

MUCH better than quizlet and the layout is so refreshing however I have some feedback. PLEASE make there be a function with the flash cards where you can choose to have either the question show up first or have an extra choice to have the answer appear first. This would really help, especially for subjects like Spanish where translating to English may be easy, whereas translating to Spanish needs more work.

Secondly, I know this may be difficult as most of this app is free but if there could be more Spanish textbooks I’m sure it would highly benefit your users! Maybe you could have a system where if you watch one or maybe two (or even four) advertisements you get to have access to a textbook for around 12 hours before you need to watch an advertisement to rent the book again. Though with this being said, be sure to leave a copyright warning lol. So far this app has genuinely helped me with my lessons, especially physics and chem. I hope you continue to keep this app free so it can be a helpful tool accessible to everyone with a device and wifi.

Developer Response ,

thanks for your feedback. We work every day to improve our platform and we are always open to suggestions. For future improvements, we will keep your feedback in mind. If you have any feedback, feel free to contact us. ( Have a great day & stay healthy! Your StudySmarter Team

halycunator ,

Miracle that I found this

This app is actually so perfect for students. I spent all night making revision cards since I find it motivating and the way they give you the option to quiz or practice really helped and im able to recall most of the stuff (I’ll just have to revise more on it). AND THE LAYOUT IS AMAZING ASWELL, you can add images, notes, and flashcards as-well as sub subjects, which is something that I’ve always looked for in a revision apps! And I cant forget the fact that they give you similar flashcard suggestions to yours made by others (I dont use them because they're not exactly what I want). I actually cant believe this is all free but I’m so glad it is because now I’m sure it’s way easier for many people who just want to revise or study. Absolutely fantastic app, thank you for making this!

App Privacy

The developer, Vaia, indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy.

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Purchases
  • Contact Info
  • Identifiers
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More

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