A little effort will boost your Small Talk.

small talk - daily education

words, quotes, facts & more


Banter and conversation come naturally to some folks. You know the kind: always ready with a quip or a witty observation. Where do they get this endless supply of humour and homespun wisdom? Small Talk might be their secret.

Billed as a painless way to “learn something new every day,” Small Talk is a tiny app with a massive purpose: to keep your inspired.

A gem of inspiration can reshape your mindset for the day.

Like a little trivia fairy, it deposits six scraps of fun in your pocket every day. They fall into fixed categories. You’ll always get one each of an inspirational quote, a fun fact, a joke, a word of the day, a historical “on this day” moment, and a top tip or life hack.

It's a neat, morning dose of brain exercise and it gives you material to talk about when you hit the commute. The first time we opened the app, it told us that when, in 1752, the British Empire adopted the Gregorian calendar it skipped forward eleven whole days. That particular morsel made us popular on social media, which is no mean feat before we've had our coffee. The word section soon becomes indispensable: you’ll improve your vocabulary without even realising.

You can swipe back and remind yourself of yesterday’s items, so don’t feel like you have to write everything down. Small Talk can’t make you a garrulous raconteur, but it can give you bite-sized conversational nuggets to get you through the toughest ice-breaker situations.