Love ‘90s beat ‘em ups? Then you’ll adore this punchy retro revival.

Adventures of Kidd

Retro goodness


If you yearn for the days of classic beat ‘em ups, allow us to recommend Adventures of Kidd: a game that expertly blends retro references and modern, made-for-mobile play.

It certainly crams plenty into its relatively simple set-up. As our hero walks left to right across sunny beaches and snowy tundra, he’s met by some unsavoury sorts ready to rumble.

And so with just a virtual joystick and two buttons, Kidd punches and kicks his way right through wave after wave of these ne’er-do-wells.

The story, such as it is, revolves around cloning gone bad. We think?

The slide attack is handy for inflicting damage on foes laying prone on the floor, and the uppercut, if it lands correctly, sends you and your assailant skywards where you can unleash a flurry of punches mid-air. Pow!

Adventures of Kidd is both a love letter to the classics and a charming fighting game in its own right – and unlike the arcade cabinets of yore, it won’t keep asking you to fritter away all of your pocket money.