You’re never without a paddle in 1sland.


Paddle Royale


Battle royale games are popular, but there’s no denying they can be stressful too. What if you want to have a slightly more relaxed time, but retain some of that competitive thrill?

If that sounds like you, this highly original “paddle royale” game is just the ticket. In 1sland, players compete in peaceful multiplayer races to row across the sea and find a mysterious island.

The first intrepid explorer to make it gets a big whack of experience points, shoots up the global rankings, and gets to decorate the island for everyone else to admire. By carefully using flares to figure out the direction and distance of the island, players can try to beat the rush.

This mix of serene sailing and competitive online play sounds like it shouldn’t work, but it really does.

You’ll also need to win mini challenges like side races along the way if you want to upgrade to a better, faster boat for the next round.

Even if you don’t come in first place, 1sland’s seas are great for exploration. There are hazards like whirlpools to set you back, but the changing weather, flocks of birds and tranquil shoals of fish make the whole experience both colourful and soothing.

1sland gets regular content updates, but players won’t need an excuse to keep checking back anyway – this game is just too smart and unique to leave alone.