A classic puzzler reinvented

Mastermine really makes you think outside the box.


3D Minesweeper inspired puzzle


Before you lies a cube. Each side is divided into smaller cubes. Most of them are harmless, but some conceal a deadly secret: a landmine hidden in plain sight.

Pick your way through, deducing the location of the mines and planting flags to mark where they’re hidden. One wrong move and you’ll be blown back to the start. It’s unbearably tense – and unbelievably fun. Welcome to Mastermine!

Solve complex boards over a 3D cube in Mastermine.

The game transforms a classic PC puzzler into a tactile, multifaceted experience. Bombs lurk around corners, and once triggered, go off with a rippling blast. You swipe to look all around the cube, looking for fresh points of entry, fretting over your next move.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can challenge yourself with different game modes: play a Campaign and gradually ramp up the difficulty, complete a lightning-fast round in Time Crisis, or revel in the glorious madness of the Sandbox, where the cubes go on growing for infinity. There are also personal challenges, unlockable special moves and a choice of glitzy skins. No matter how many rounds you play, Mastermine always feels fresh. It’s a total blast.