Saddle up for an epic Wild West adventure.

Westland Survival - Cowboy RPG

Survive in the Wild West world


Welcome to the rough-and-tumble world of Westland Survival, partner! Grab your six-shooter and saddle upyou’ll spend this rootin’-tootin’ adventure tussling with bandits, outsmarting shady characters and building your dream home on the range.

How it plays: Guide your tough-as-nails buckaroo around Westland Survival’s vibrant map, taking on quests from townsfolk and gathering resources in snowy forests and sun-baked mesas. Back home, expand and upgrade your ranch – crafting buildings, weapons or even a fine-lookin’ cowboy hat.

Never mind the deer and the antelope – these bison will make for some good hunting.

Why we love it: The intense action puts the “wild” in the Wild West, but Westland Survival also provides ample opportunity to explore and unwind. Need a break from tracking down lawless marauders? Craft a sweet bow and hunt for wild game to cook at home.

Don’t miss: The bandit icon on the upper right corner shows how angry the local outlaws are. The more you tangle with them, the more riled up they get. When it’s fully red, they’ll raid your ranch! Either bribe them to back off or build up your defences and prepare for battle.

Meet the creator: Westland Survival comes from Helio Games, an independent studio based in Cyprus.