In Ordia, you’ll encounter the origin of several species.


One finger flinger


You’re an eye, covered in a gloopy cyan goo, emerging from primordial soup. Ordia may not be historically accurate, but that’s not the point.

It is, however, a beautifully-made one thumb action game about flinging said blob from point to point, with you dragging back to aim and releasing to fire.

As your plucky ball of goop gets higher and higher, pinging it between grapple points isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Rival red blobs with tentacles are lurking about the place, and even contact with the plant life – also a shade of ‘danger red’ – can stop you in your tracks.

Hungry worm-like baddies poke out of caverns, ready to gobble you up if you don’t ping yourself past them quick enough; there are even scarlet-hued doppelgangers who chase you down.

Thankfully, you’re never punished that harshly for panicking or making a wrong move – you merely get bumped back to the last checkpoint to try again.

The intuitive, satisfying play becomes more varied and expansive as you move through the world, meeting more complex life forms and taking on tougher tests of your wits and reflexes. And it all looks – and in particular sounds – delightful.

Through its 30 levels spaced across three worlds, Ordia may not be a detailed study of the origins of life on earth, but it is an absolutely terrific one-thumb action game. Keep an eye out for this one.