魔法人型師 - 人體造型必備工‪具‬ 12+


Wombat Studio, Inc.

    • 免費
    • 提供 App 內購買項目



你有試過在畫畫前,先打開 Google 搜尋人體姿勢嗎?或先拉朋友幫忙擺個姿勢?如果有的話,那麼《魔法人型師》正好滿足到你的需要,立刻下載吧!《魔法人型師》是首屈一指的 3D 姿勢造型 App,讓你擺出栩栩如生的 3D 角色造型、製作 3D 場景,並設置各種逼真的照明效果。超過 1,200 萬畫家用戶選用《魔法人型師》,讓繪畫過程更快更輕鬆。立即打開流動裝置,花短短幾分鐘擺出造型吧!



• 一拖一放,輕鬆擺出姿勢
- 操作最簡單的姿勢造型體驗,任何人都可以秒速上手
- 進階物理引擎:還原真實感,靈活操控 3D 人體模型,自動調校成你要的各種姿勢
- 從手指到腳趾,全身上下每個人體部分,皆可隨意靈活控制
- 極速擺出手勢:提供 50+ 個預設姿勢和捲曲控制桿,過程輕鬆又有趣!

• 肌理構造極細緻,號稱最栩栩如生
- 由得獎無數的雕塑師精心製作人偶,讓你感受非一般的男女人像繪畫體驗
- 靈活自然的肌肉伸縮效果,比木頭人偶更細緻精準

• 健壯、肥胖或瘦削體型
- 模型不論男女,皆可變成不同體型,呈現千變萬化的人偶角色!
- 拉動控制桿,仔細調校變化量和合併圖像,創作出專屬於你的獨特角色

• 逼真的照明效果
- 新增 3 款燈光:平行燈、聚光燈、點光源
- 每個場景新增最多 8 款燈光:使用多種光源,讓構圖增添電影感
- 調校亮度、顏色、半徑和其他一系列參數
- 調校時間變化:營造各種環境氣氛,如清晨、中午、黃昏和午夜

• 資源庫收錄大量角色、預設姿勢、物件、髮型和服裝!
- 25 款不同風格的角色:適合各種畫風,包括寫實風、動漫風、漫畫風
- 預設 3,000 多款身體和手腳姿勢:讓你極速擺出姿勢或尋找創作靈感
- 500 多款物件:收錄幾何體、武器、傢俱、汽車、日常用品等常用物件。
- 100 多款髮型與服裝:自訂角色造型,展示新風格

• 匯出 2D 與 3D 圖像
- 匯出 PNG 格式:以高解析度匯出場景圖像,並在其他繪圖軟件中使用
- 匯出 OBJ 格式:輕鬆匯入模型到其他 3D 設計軟體

• 建立廣闊的場景
- 為場景加入角色和物件,數量完全無上限
- 使用「圖層」選單合併任何物體,輕鬆建立場景!

• 靈活視野選單
- 空間透視度控制桿:強化空間透視度,為場景注入新元素
- 儲存鏡頭角度:輕鬆儲存你最常用的 3D 場景角度
- 三維網格線:輕鬆控制任何高難度視角

• 在本機及雲端備份場景
- 以 Magic Poser (.mp) 檔案格式匯入 / 匯出場景:輕鬆備份到電腦或其他裝置
- 上傳場景到私人雲端空間:安全儲存作品,跨裝置取用

• 多元化教學內容
- 影片教學:清晰說明步驟,幫助你快速入門
- 完整使用指南:掌握《魔法人型師》每項精彩功能

EULA: https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/


版本 1.48.7



4.2 滿分 5 粒星
138 個評分

138 個評分

Brother Ocean


Wonderful software


I like it but..

I hate how we have to pay for almost EVERYTHING! Furniture,weapons,body sizes,etc..this would be a great app for others who can afford it but for others who are on a budget or unable to afford any of it..it’s not the best. You could have at least left the body sizing free and a few weapons and furniture free. Overall I think the app is great but consider making a few more things free?


We appreciate your feedback. I wanted to take a moment to address your main point of feedback: why everything can't be free. We will not be able to give you everything for free, no matter how hard we try, because when we tried to give you all features for free with models as optional purchases: it was not successful. You guys did not want to buy given the too many options you were given, and we needed something successful in order to continue development. If we did not change, Magic Poser would not have continued and we would not have continued development. Body morphs are not in our free version, because they are a part of our one-time full version upgrade: Pro version. Our small team spent a lot of time and effort with a top, studio level artist to create each body morph and make sure it works at a studio level, and that's why it's in our Pro version. As for hand presets, we also spent a lot of time creating hundreds of presets that you do get in the Pro version. If our app has a wealth of features, for a one-time cost of $9.99 if you need it, in our Pro version like an app that has art features for $9.99 (Procreate), is there some reason that this is not worth it? If we made everything free, how would we be able to continue development? And if you have any worries about what you previously bought no longer being yours: this is simply not true with our new app. Everything you bought in the old app is yours to keep permanently, all you have to do is log into the same MP account and claim your loyalty rewards. Again, I am truly sorry that we could not cater to your needs, but we really hope that you understand where we are coming from, and how much research and testing we did. We just wanted to let you know of the changes we made and why it's the best solution us and our users helped us come up with. We care about each and every review we receive, and while we cannot cater to everyone, we are already able to add even more great features to Free, Pro and Master thanks to all the support we've gotten with this new update. Here are examples of all new Free features: Grouping anything together, swapping between any model, using camera angles to capture multiple sides of one scene, adjusting the time of day, adjusting the grid size and other view options, using free hand and body presets with a preset slider to adjust the strength of an applied preset, mirroring limbs and hands/feet, with at least one very good anatomically accurate model. What more would you suggest our team to do, in order to be secure and continue development? In the end, we hope you are able to pick the best tool for you, as there are likely options out there that fit your budget. We just wanted to be as fair as possible so that we could continue to provide more while being secure to do so. Thank you for your time, and I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help.



It kept showing please update the app because the system no longer support your devices even I have already done all I could do. And there’s been quite some comments facing the same problem with me after the update yesterday, please fix the bug as soon as possible especially people had been paying a lot for the features. It has been bothering me to finish my art, PLEASE FIX IT.


We apologize for the inconvenience! We just released a fix, and it should be live on App Store. Please download 1.48.7 to continue using the app! Let us know if you still have any issues by emailing us at support@magicposer.com or messaging us on our Discord server: bit.ly/chat-mp. If the problem is fixed to your satisfaction, would you mind updating your rating? Thank you so much!

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Head Model Studio - Art Study
Mental Canvas Draw