Between 情侶專屬一對一私密聊天 app 4+

情侶專屬一對一私密聊天 app


    • 免費
    • 提供 App 內購買項目


在 Between, 你能夠建立完全只屬於兩個人的私密空間。

Between 提供情侶們完全私密的平台,讓彼此分享只屬於兩人的小世界。我們歡迎你/妳一起加入Between 分享生活,增進彼此關係

▶ 聊天
隨時與對方分享生活點滴。Between 提供安全、私密的聊天功能,讓你能即時傳送可愛的貼圖、甜蜜的話給另一伴。從此不再遺漏最重要的人傳的重要訊息囉!

▶ 回憶功能
將甜蜜合照、貼心的語音留言在 Between 上儲存並分享。輕鬆建立屬於你們的兩人世界。還可以隨時一起回憶每個美好時光!

▶ 拉近遠距離
Between 幫你們拉近遠距離的戀愛,隨時更新對方所在地、當地氣侯。讓彼此的心零距離!

▶ 分享行事曆
Between 讓你分享行事曆,彼此貼心提醒重要紀念日,節日,約會等活動。再也不用擔心忘記任何一個重要日子囉!

- 隱私設定: 建立好記的密碼鎖讓甜密的時光永遠不外流!
- 回憶寶箱: 隨時回憶每個美好時光,照片與聊天記錄。
- 活動寶箱: 在這裡可以找到專屬情侶們的活動與超級優惠!
- 大量貼圖: 超豐富的可愛貼圖庫讓每個情景、情緒都瞬間抓住。
- 自訂背景: 選擇最喜歡的合照當首頁,打開 Between 就可以看到彼此!

【關於 Between Plus 升級方案】
升級一個月($2.99USD)/ 六個月($12.99USD)/ 一年($13.99USD) 升級獲得更多功能,包含主題更換,限量貼圖,清除部份廣告,傳情書,更長的語音訊息。

產品價格可能依地區有所調整。您在 Between 的訂購將透過您在 iTunes 帳號設定的付款方式收費。若訂購週期結束前 24 小時內未取消續訂,我們將會自動為您續訂下一個週期。您在訂購期內,無法取消訂閱。您可以在購買後於帳號的「設定」 中管理訂購服務。

- 若在試用期間內取消訂閱,正式購買商品時將不會計入剩餘試用天數。
- 若未取消訂閱,系統將於到期前24小時自動續訂扣款,事後用戶可自行確認費用。
- 用戶可自行管理訂閱商品,購買後可於 iTunes 帳戶設定內取消自動更新。

從 Between 開始,搜集每個重要的時光,不管是常常見面的情侶還是遠距離的戀人,Between 讓你們的戀愛零距離,讓 Between 拉近彼此的心吧!

更多 Between 相關的訊息,請參考我們的隱私權政策 及使用條款,或到本頁末連結 Between 官網了解更多。


版本 5.10.25

小錯誤修復 .


4.8 滿分 5 粒星
1.6万 個評分

1.6万 個評分


It’s been our couples’ little secret

Me and my boyfriend have been using and loving this app for nearly two years now. We love using it both chatting with words and call. We bought a lot of sticker’s pack as well to show our love and supports to Between. If I have to mention one thing bad, it would be their call quality is not as good as other app. Sometimes it just disconnects out of the blue. If Between sees this comment, please upgrade the call service of the app. Thanks a lot.


Really nice app for couples but still a lot to improve

Overall the features are great, you could share your calendar, photos with your partner. However, the messenger is a bit lagging behind compare to popular messengers like WhatsApp, Signal, FB messenger…there’s no reply function and it takes relatively long time to load messages. Most of the time I need to open the app to load messages but what’s the purpose of the messages don’t come in instantly? Also, the recording feature is always buggy, need to press multiple times to start recording (FYI I’m already using the latest phone on market).

In short, I’d recommend this app for couples, it’ll be really helpful if Between could add “reply” function and fix the message loading mechanism, in order to level up the overall user experience .

Player a101094228


I have some comment on the notification ringtone. When the message was received, there was no notification ringtone or sometime really loud/ silent. At the very beginning, I thought it might be my phone ringtone issue. However, I checked my phone, my phone normal and no issues. The mentioned issue not just for me also my girlfriend has this issue while using Between.

Also, my girlfriend and I set walkie talkie function “record” instead of “send”, we can’t record the voice message. We need to press 2 times to recording the voice message. We have bad experience after we subscribed Between Plus.

Please fix those bugs. Many thanks.

App 私隱



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  • Siri

    在此 App使用語音,即可完成任務。



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