Clue 生理期 懷孕日曆日‪記‬ 12+

科學化排卵期 月經助‪手‬

BioWink GmbH

    • 免費
    • 提供 App 內購買項目

iPhone 螢幕截圖


Clue 不單是一個經期追踪程式,更是一個準確的月經行事曆、排卵 app 和每週懷孕情況追踪程式,讓你掌控你的生殖健康。

Clue 是月經週期追蹤程式,可預測您的下一次月經、經前症候群和較可能或較不會懷孕的日期。 您的情緒是否與您的月經週期有所關聯? 僅須追蹤您想更瞭解的事項,Clue 會為您搞定一切 此程式非常精準。

使用 Clue 可:
+ 瞭解您的下次經期何時開始
+ 下一次月經週期、經前症候群和受孕期間之前,在 iOS 裝置和 Apple Watch 上收到提醒。
+ 找出您的月經週期之獨特樣式。
+ 知道哪些日子您較可能或較不會懷孕。
+ 透過特定的孕期追踪分類、嬰兒成長階段的視覺比對、懷孕日曆和懷孕健康指導等功能,每週追踪你的懷孕情況。
+ 追蹤性行為、疼痛、情緒、子宮頸黏液、避孕藥和基礎體溫。

Clue 也包括:
+ 31 種追蹤類別,包括月經週期、痙攣、情緒、體重、皮膚、頭髮、睡眠、運動、活力、渴望及更多。
+ 保證絕對不會使用花朵、蝴蝶、委婉用語或粉紅色。
+ Clue 週期報表是您個人週期的視覺化呈現,可儲存並提供給醫生。
+ 市面上所有週期追蹤程式中最快的資料輸入速度。
+ 深入剖析月經週期,包含醫學和科學參考資料。
+ 具備可從您輸入的資料學習之演算法。您使用越久,程式越聰明。
+ 自訂密碼可保護您的隱私。
+ 過去週期的歷史概觀可輕易觀察到趨勢。
+ 選擇性帳號登入可備份您的資料,或在多重裝置上登入。

獲得 Buzzfeed、紐約時報、Wired、TechCrunch、每日郵報、VentureBeat 及眾多網站推薦。


想更好地利用 Clue?訂閱Clue Plus


請注意:Clue – 週期追蹤程式無法避孕。

若你遇上任何問題,支援團隊隨時樂意協助! 請透過 app 聯絡我們,這樣我們能更迅速的解決問題。

在 獲取與經期、性行為和月經健康等相關問題的答案

服務條款 -
隱私權條款 -


版本 201.0

這次更新就像一個無名英雄,背後包含很多靜悄悄的改進,讓你的 app 順利運行,以及給你一個五星級的追踪體驗。


4.7 滿分 5 粒星
5,768 個評分

5,768 個評分


Overview gone for free users

I have been using Clue every single month for 10 years, since 2014. For the longest time you could tap on the analysis tab on the bottom to see the length of your previous cycles. I think it was called Cycle History. It displayed the number of days each cycle was along with some other useful information. I don’t know which update made this a paid feature, or if it’s gone for everyone… but you should never make a free feature into a paid one. Either way… please bring that feature back, it was extremely useful and when I needed to use it it was always there for me… —-
EDIT #1 (reply for developer response): Making cycle history a paid feature is literally putting that data behind a paywall. The calendar view is very inconvenient to view. Also, if your business model is creating new “useful” features for paid users, I have no problem with that. But deleting free users’ features in order to do that, crosses a line.
EDIT #2 (update):
They’ve restored the fact that you can see every one of your cycles and their lengths in the analysis tab as a free user, and for that I will change my rating to 5 stars. It truly is an amazing app, I just hate when companies decide to take away features that used to be free. It’s not right and I’m glad they fixed it.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to share your positive feedback with us–it means a lot! Happy tracking from all of us in Berlin. All the best, the Support Team at Clue.


Display the bleeding Amount on Calendar

Have been using the app for years. Previously, the app calendar would show the input bleeding amount by displaying different height of bar for different bleeding amount. User could easily review the bleeding amount throughout the period. Yet, after one update, the bars are now all in the same height, not showing the difference of bleeding amount on the calendar. Its now more difficult to review the change of bleeding amount of the period. May you please change it back or add in setting to enable showing the amount? Thank you.



It would be better if you could delete data though. When I entered my sisters data which was a discharge I couldn't find out how to delete the thing. I mean it literally counted it as cycle day one when it wasn't even a period. Would be better if there was a mode for people starting their first period?

App 私隱

開發者表明BioWink GmbH的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策


以下資料可能會用於追蹤你在其他公司的 App 和網站的活動:

  • 識別碼



  • 健康與健身
  • 位置
  • 聯絡資料
  • 用户內容
  • 識別碼
  • 使用資料
  • 敏感資料



  • 診斷



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