CuboAi 智慧寶寶攝影‪機‬ 4+

讓你安心 陪你探‪索‬

Yunyun Co., Ltd.

專為 iPad 設計

    • 2.3 • 15 個評分
    • 免費
    • 提供 App 內購買項目



結合 AI 人工智慧科技,CuboAi 是第一台能主動偵測如「口鼻被異物覆蓋、翻身」等睡床潛在危險事件的嬰兒監視器,還有真實哭聲偵測、睡眠分析、自動拍照等實用功能,讓爸媽能隨時掌握寶寶狀況!
2020 美國 CES 消費性電子大展 – 智慧家電產品創新獎
2020 美國 JPMA 創新嬰兒產品獎
2020 美國育兒專業票選平台:最佳新進產品獎(The Cribsie Awards,2020)
全球破 70,000 位新手爸媽好評使用中
打開 App 就能輕鬆掌握寶寶狀況
CuboAi App 介面簡單好上手,通知牆完整紀錄口鼻覆蓋、哭聲偵測等事件,讓爸媽輕鬆掌握寶寶每天狀況!App 還會按照寶寶月齡自動彙整出時光牆,向下滑動即可觀看 CuboAi 捕捉到的每個可愛瞬間!
結合 AI 智慧功能,為您守護寶寶的安全、睡眠與回憶
(1) 口鼻覆蓋/翻身偵測
CuboAi 是第一台能主動偵測如「口鼻被異物覆蓋、翻身」等睡床潛在危險事件的嬰兒監視器,並於第一時間透過手機發送「預警通知」搭配「鳥叫聲」,讓爸媽隨時掌握寶寶狀況,為寶寶打造第一道安全防線!
(2) 寶寶睡眠監測與安撫功能
和傳統紙筆記錄說掰掰!有了 CuboAi,每天早上打開手機就能收到前一晚寶寶的睡眠分析報告,所有睡眠事件也同步和「18 小時回放影片」整合,讓你快速瀏覽前一晚的事件畫面。CuboAi 內建經典搖籃曲、白噪音以及大自然的優美聲音,爸媽透過 App 就能輕鬆播放,即時安撫寶寶。
(3) 危險區域偵測,守護寶寶從 0~5 歲以上
當寶寶會爬會走後,爸媽還可在 CuboAi App 上自行設定「危險區域」,一旦偵測寶寶接近,就會即時發送通知!搭配移動式支架,CuboAi 就能變成從孩子 0 歲使用到 5 歲以上的寶寶監視器!
(4) 自動拍照&時光牆,就像寶寶專屬攝影師
寶寶的每一天是由好多不同的「第一次」組成的,一旦偵測到「哭哭、笑笑或其他大幅度的可愛動作」,CuboAi 就會自動拍下,並依照寶寶年齡大小彙整成時光相簿,自動保存及更新寶寶最近 10 天的動態!
(5) 超高清夜視,讓寶寶細節一覽無遺
CuboAi 選用大廠「Sony 星光級感光元件」,搭配全玻璃光學鏡頭、最新透光藍膜技術,拍出的畫面更清晰、顏色更飽和漂亮,鏡頭成本遠比一般嬰兒監視器高出 3 倍以上!

專為爸媽需求設計 6 大貼心功能:
1. AI 哭聲偵測提醒 - 不怕錯過寶寶需要你的時候!
2. 高品質雙向語音 - 在外也能陪寶寶說說話!
3. 客製化通知 - 依照爸媽需求,隨時調整通知開關
4. 溫濕度偵測 - 偵測室內溫濕度,搭配醫學顧問建議
5. 內建小夜燈 - 可透過 App 開關,不打擾寶寶睡眠
6. 三種成長型支架 - 可配合嬰兒床、遊戲床使用,輕鬆安裝不需要額外工具!

銀行級加密技術:AES-256 bit 對稱加密技術
CTIA 安全認證:TLS/SSL 技術,無其他第三方程式可攔截
最多同時 8 人登入


版本 2.10.4

- 修復其他問題


2.3 滿分 5 粒星
15 個評分

15 個評分

newborn papa

If it works, it’s quite good

Works smoothly at first. The data is helpful and interesting to track baby’s sleep and waking trends. Alarm systems are also helpful.

However, the system has lots of bugs. I couldn’t reconnect after a Wifi outage. And it has problems relogging on; ie. software and hardware don’t sync well.

The App itself is cool, but could be more user friendly in controlling of the physical machine via the app. There’s no “remote control unit” on the app and each different control item is hidden in various places in the app, not centralised.

Lastly, its quite pricey given a high monthly subscription price for the app and the physical monitor together costs a ton. So it’s value for money orientation is not high.

In conclusion, while it’s working it’s great despite being expensive. Once it stops working it’s hard to fix. Seems like quite a few bugs in the hardware to software connectivity.


Hi there, thanks for your feedback and for your suggestions! We're always looking for ways to further improve on our user experience and we'd love to hear more of your user input. Would you be able to get in touch with our team via the in-app chat? We'd love to hear more about your feature suggestions and also help look into the connection issues that you mentioned. Thanks for your help and we hope to hear from you soon!

ofo user

Unresolved login issue

Similar to another user the app was fine for a year and two weeks ago it kept logging me out. We tried to log in using different devices, redownloaded and reinstalled the app, updated our devices but nothing worked. It wouldn’t even let me create a new account just keep saying unknown error. The customers support channel was not helpful. It created a lot of stress when we couldn’t keep an eye on our baby. Would not recommend this until they fix the login or the support issue.


Hi there, our sincere apologies for the issues you're experiencing. We'd appreciate the chance to resolve the issues for you. Please get in touch with our support team via the in-app chat. We'll do our best to look into this and sort this out for you as soon as we can. Thank you and we hope to hear from you!



I used this one year with no problem. In the last week alone now, it has logged me out multiple times a day across multiple devices, not letting me log back in (with an “unknown error”) and I have spent one week without eyes on my baby. I have updated the apps, redownloaded, restarted my devices, all multiple times. Nothing works. This has been hugely stressful and a huge waste of time trying to solve.


Hi there, our sincere apologies for the issues you're experiencing. We'd appreciate it if you'd allow our team to look into the issue you are having. Please get in touch with our support team via the in-app chat. We'll do our best to look into this and sort this out for you as soon as we can. Thank you and we hope to hear from you!

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