Coffee Meets Bagel 線上交友軟‪體‬ 17+


Coffee Meets Bagel, Inc

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    • 提供 App 內購買項目




準備好擺脫陳腔濫調的約會遊戲,找到一段真實的親密關係嗎?你可以在 Coffee Meets Bagel 找到最適合你的新朋友!在 Coffee Meets Bagel 超過 9 成的會員都在尋找認真的戀愛關係。 因此,大家不再一昧地左滑右滑,而是更多真誠聊天和實際約會。

Coffee Meets Bagel 全球配對超過 1.5 億對,且持續增加中!準備好遇見你的真愛了嗎?


Coffee Meets Bagel 會針對個人化的需求與特質,每天自動推薦與你最契合的潛在對象。Coffee Meets Bagel 根據演算法不間斷地了解你對於對象的挑選喜好,並藉由持續的優化,為你篩選出更高品質的理想對象

他 / 她未來有想生小孩的計畫嗎?他 / 她對於這段關係的期待是什麼?完整清楚的自我介紹,能為新朋友留下好印象!Coffee Meets Bagel 把關每一位會員的個人檔案內容,確保會員的個人資料都是完整的,讓你更了解心儀的他 / 她。

忙碌的時代,網路上的聊天是展開交往的美好開端,但變成真正的朋友需要與他 / 她面對面交流。Coffee Meets Bagel 擁有「 7 天聊天限制」,避免無止盡閒聊,讓你不錯過最佳時機,把握約會的契機!

你能在 Coffee Meets Bagel 的 Suggested 中看到我們為您篩選的「每日精選」,或是透過 Discover 探索更多新對象,也能在 Likes You 中即時配對。無論你選擇從哪裡開始,你總會在 Coffee Meet Bagel 遇見那位讓你心動的對象。


Coffee Meets Bagel 升級方案

Coffee Meets Bagel 是一款免費的約會軟體,但您可以隨時升級到進階版,解鎖獲得更多特殊功能。此外,進階版會員最多可增加 2 倍以上的約會機會。進階版的功能隨時會有調整,以下是您目前可以享受的方案內容:

每月在 Discover 發送 8 次的 Like:在 Discover 中發現讓你怦然心動的對象?對他們發送 Like,讓他 / 她收到你的心意。
進階喜好設定:在 Suggested 中設定你正在尋覓的關係類型、是否喜歡運動、是否有抽煙習慣等。
無限 Skip 免排隊,讓你更出眾:送花給受歡迎的對象,讓你可以從人海中脫穎而出。
配對活動分析:通過配對和互動聊天紀錄分析,查看哪個他 / 她最值得您花時間經營關係。
獎勵機制:購買咖啡豆,可額外獲得 15% 的分數。
無限次「收回」功能:他好像還不錯?回心轉意永遠不嫌遲!只要在歷史紀錄中,收回 passes ,就能一鍵找回錯過的緣分。


「根據成功配對情侶的說法,這是最好的約會APP之一」 – 雅虎財經
「體驗最好的真實約會必備工具」– Mashable
「最好的手機約會 APP,就像收納女王近藤麻理惠幫你斷捨離你的約會生活。」 - 女性健康
「和無止盡的瀏覽說掰掰:Coffee Meets Bagel 專注於深入的個人檔案,推播精選地配對對象。」 – 可混搭


建議務必開啟 APP 通知的權限。如果未開啟 APP 通知,當您有新的配對消息時,您將無法即時收到通知。

下載或使用 COFFEE MEETS BAGEL 應用程式,即表示您同意服務條款和隱私政策,請參閱


版本 9.4.1

Bugs 已解決及改善


4.6 滿分 5 粒星
3.1万 個評分

3.1万 個評分


With CMB, ignore all the bias against online dating

To be honest, I was quite skeptical about online dating and related apps due to bad experiences and the general quality of ppl I met
but a friend of mine mentioned CMB to me so I decided to give it one last shot. I have to say I was quite impressed with the whole concept and quality of ppl I met through CMB! First of all, the app name and design attracted me as it's cute and trendy without being a cliche or over-dressed as a DATING app. Secondly, the quality of ppl I meet has been excellent as they generally seem genuinely interested in talking to you as a person instead of a challenge or a conquest to conquer. Add in the fact that you're only intro'd to one person per day, it makes it more time-efficient and more focused on quality than quantity. So thank you for this fun and cute app!

Review for your good

Ask for ID copy?! and ban account without reasons

First of all, the platform is full of ONS-seekers, fake accounts, scammers, and handful of psychopaths. I have some friends having successful cases but you have to expect spending 80% time screening the above groups away. Therefore I didn’t use the app for a long time, until recently I realised that my account is suspended. The CMB team claimed that the system found my account is suspicious, and needed to go through verification for safety purpose. Okay…then the external service provider requested for photocopy of my National ID/ passport (highly confidential info which I have never provided to CMB before!!!) for a verification. Anyone who has a sense of personal data security would reject such nonsense request. I emailed the team and (1) requested for the reasons of flagging my account, and (2) suggested alternatives for verifications besides using my IDs. End up they said they cannot share any reasons, I failed the verifications, and now the team decided to ban my account forever (cannot even create new accounts). Zero clue on why all these can happen. Totally I lost 5000+ “coffee beans” (credits in-app) because of this. I find this business unethical and irresponsible. Good luck everyone.


😱The C&B requires me to provide a passport copy 😱

On the second day when I installed the app, the app suddenly unable to log in and the app emailed to me stating that they are checking potential spams and it was a random that I was selected.

Ok… So, they asked me to email a pic to them holding up 3 fingers, which was fine and I did so. Then later, the app required me to send them my phone no. (I was thinking, that was ok too). Then, the next day, another email from the app asked me to provide a copy of government issued passport for ID proof, then I am scared. I am wondering by what means can the app ensure my personal information can be protected?

I indeed have joined a 3-month subscription plan already, and I guess if I asked for a refund ( in case that may happen though I doubt), additional personal data will be required. Thus, to allow myself to have a peaceful mind, it is ok to just leave the amount which was spent and quit the C&B app. I have never thought that there can be such a bad experience in using dating app. Indeed there are tonnes of friendly and welcoming apps around.


While safety is a top priority for CMB, we encourage you to reach out to us again at with any additional questions or updates on your account status.

App 私隱

開發者表明Coffee Meets Bagel, Inc的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策



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