Monster Hunter Now 12+
Niantic, Inc.
- 免費
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iPhone 螢幕截圖
加入《Monster Hunter Now》並暢享在現實世界中狩獵的快感!
現在就出發並展開全球任務,追蹤並狩獵突然出現在現實世界的《Monster Hunter》魔物們。 生產強大武器並聯合其他獵人,追蹤巨大魔物並與之對抗!
移動來遊玩:在《Monster Hunter Now》中,你必須走出戶外並身體力行,狩獵出現於真實世界的各種魔物。 在森林、沙漠或沼澤等不同環境發現各式各樣的魔物,並獨自或與其他獵人組隊討伐這些巨大魔物。
無需拿出手機也能輕鬆標記魔物:開啟冒險同步模式,在探索城市的同時,使用染色球追蹤魔物並將戰場帶到你家門前。 在探索的途中,你的隨從會使用隨從染色球標記路過的魔物,即使在你沒有遊玩的時候也是,方便你稍後回來尋找牠們的蹤影,讓冒險永不間斷。
武器與防具:多種武器任君挑選,如:單手劍、大錘和弓等,你需要蒐集素材,生產並強化你的武器和防具來擊敗特定的魔物。 擊倒魔物後,使用蒐集到的素材生產更強大的武器和防具,狩獵更危險的魔物。 蒐集鐵礦石和上龍骨等資源來生產強大的防具,抵禦強大魔物的攻擊。
《Monster Hunter Now》——改編自獲獎無數《Monster Hunter》系列的最新力作——能配合你的遊玩節奏,帶給你緊張又刺激的挑戰。無論你在地球哪個角落,都能在全球獵人社群中找到志同道合的玩家與你踏上冒險! 與「火龍」和「角龍」等危險魔物戰鬥,更多全新魔物將陸續追加至遊戲中! 無論你是《Monster Hunter》系列的死忠粉絲還是初來乍到的新玩家,現在就是你們加入冒險的絕佳機會。
加入狩獵的行列。 重新探索這個世界。 現在就成為終極的魔物獵人吧!
版本 92.0
非常感謝各位遊玩《Monster Hunter Now》。
這款 AR 冒險遊戲將現實與虛擬結合,讓你走出家門就能追捕火龍,在便攜的流動裝置中巧妙呈現《怪物獵人》備受喜愛的所有內容。
Nothing around
Having been a consistent player of the Monster Hunter series on PlayStation, I find the mobile adaptation, Monster Hunter Now, to be well-designed and faithful to the original. However, I do feel that there could be more in-game activities to engage in when I'm at home. Currently, only a handful of minor creatures show up periodically, leaving me with limited tasks to undertake during my prime gaming hours at home. I'd appreciate if there were more options for exploration and engagement during these periods
Good game but worst performance
I am a new player for the Monster Hunter series. As an employee in office, I have very poor timing to play a traditional hunt. So this is wonderful since there is a mobile version MH. But it is very upset that the environment is much poorer and poorer during these dozen months. The price of manufacture the weapon and gear is too high. My armors cannot protect my character so I have to drink all the daily five free potions in a short period. And I have to keep alive in that 75 seconds battle, giving up long sword but BOW or Arrow. Even there are special quest to have more Zeny(money in the game), but it cannot help to raise the weapons into higher sometimes. In the game, I kill and I search the resource, may there be more different kind of quest? The world in the game is so big but the content is too few and not good enough. Keep my finger crossed for the coming update and renew of the game if niantic cares.
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- Niantic, Inc.
- 大小
- 240 MB
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- 兼容性
- iPhone
- 須使用 iOS 14.0 或以上版本。
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- 12+ 頻繁/極度的暴力卡通或幻想
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- 此 App 在沒有開啟時亦可能會使用你的位置資料,縮短電池使用時間。
- Copyright
- ©2023 Niantic. Characters / Artwork / Music ©CAPCOM
- 價格
- 免費
- App 內購買項目
- Prime Hunter's Pass HK$ 78.00
- 400 Gems HK$ 38.00
- Item Box Expansion HK$ 16.00
- 150 Gems HK$ 16.00
- 1,400 Gems HK$ 118.00
- Starter bundle pack HK$ 56.00
- 300 Gems HK$ 16.00
- 750 Gems HK$ 38.00
- Extreme Hunter Pass HK$ 148.00
- 2,250 Gems HK$ 118.00