Procreate 4+


Savage Interactive Pty Ltd

    • HK$ 98.00

iPad 螢幕截圖




• 亮點:
- 超高畫質畫布 - 在iPad Pro上可達16k x 8k
- 專為iPad和Apple Pencil設計的美麗直觀介面
- 革命性的速創形狀功能,畫出完美形狀
- 平滑且具反應性的塗抹取樣
- 帶燈光工作室和動畫匯出的3D繪圖
- 採用Valkyrie:針對iPad最快速的64位元繪畫引擎
- 連接鍵盤以利用快速鍵
- 創作具有美麗64位元色彩的藝術作品
- 持續自動儲存 - 永遠不再失去精心創作的內容

• 突破性筆刷:
- 包含數百支精心設計的筆刷
- 筆刷組合讓您收納整理繪畫、素描與圖畫筆刷
- 每支筆刷有100項以上可自訂的設定
- 為3D繪圖加上金屬效果或粗糙度
- 筆刷工作室 – 設計您自己的自訂Procreate筆刷
- 匯入與匯出自訂Procreate筆刷
- 匯入Adobe® Photoshop®筆刷並比在Photoshop®更快速地運用它們

• 全功能圖層系統:
- 將創作分層以對細節和構圖進行精細管理
- 建立圖層遮罩與剪裁遮罩,以在不影響原圖狀況下進行編輯
- 將圖層結合成群組進行歸類,一目了然
- 同時選取多個圖層以便同時移動或變換
- 有著25種圖層混合模式,打造業界等級的構圖

• 零妥協的色彩:
- 以色彩快填和SwatchDrop填滿線條作品
- 色盤、經典、調和、數值與調色盤面板
- 匯入顏色配置以進行配色
- 為任何筆刷分配顏色動態

• 您所需的設計工具:
- 為插圖添加矢量文字
- 輕易匯入您最喜愛的字形
- 剪切並調整畫布大小以獲得完美構圖
- 透視、等距、2D和對稱視覺引導
- 輔助繪圖即時完善您的筆畫
- 流線和穩定化讓筆畫更加平滑,創作美麗書法與專家墨跡
- 利用隨手寫以命名圖層、變更設定和建立文字

• 輔助功能:
- 進階筆畫穩定化
- 動態調整、旁白和聲音回饋
- 可指派單點觸控手勢
- 顏色命名

• 動畫與頁面輔助:
- 帶有自訂描圖紙的簡易逐影格動畫
- 建立情節提要、GIF、動畫和簡單動畫
- 使用頁面輔助逐頁起草概念或開始畫漫畫
- 匯入、編輯並分享 PDF

• 戲劇性的最後一筆:
- 使用Apple Pencil刷入圖像調整和特效,同時保持微調其效果的能力
- 錯誤美學、色差、光華、噪聲和半色調為您的作品添加變化
- 高斯、動作與透視模糊濾鏡建立深度和運動
- 包括色彩平衡、曲線、HSB和漸變映射的強大圖像調整
- 透過翹曲、對稱和液化動力學的驚人力量讓您的藝術作品栩栩如生

• 縮時重播:
- 讓Procreate著名的縮時重播功能重現您的創作過程
- 以4K品質匯出您的縮時錄影以達到高端影片製作
- 在社交網站上分享30秒以內的縮時影片

• 分享您的作品:
- 將作品匯入或匯出為Adobe® Photoshop® PSD檔案
- 匯入Adobe® ASE and ACO Color調色板
- 匯入JPG、PNG和TIFF等圖像檔案
- 以多圖層.procreate原生檔案、PSD、TIFF、透明PNG、多頁PDF、網路JPEG、OBJ、USDZ和動畫GIF、PNG和MP4匯出您的作品


版本 5.3.7

這項更新修復了一個將筆刷從 Procreate 拖曳到我們全新的 2D 動畫應用程式 Procreate Dreams 時的問題。 現可於 App Store 下載。


4.3 滿分 5 粒星
767 個評分

767 個評分


Very useful and user friendly app

Every function in this app is great and user friendly. This app is totally worthy to purchase. One thing to improve is that the app should be able for users to set their preferences of their hand’s position to avoid “mistouching” while drawing. I always accidentally draw a dot, turn my drawing, or zoom in and out when I put my hand on the iPad while drawing. The drawing experience will be highly enhanced if this problem can be avoided.


Hi JennaWuuuuu - We would recommend trying to disabling Touch Actions. You can do this in your Actions Menu (wrench icon) > Prefs > Gesture Controls > General > Disable Touch Actions.


Almost perfect

I think it is great app for drawing and cheaper than other competitors. But I do think this app need brush for lineart like MediBang does. Line art is essential for manga and Japanese drawing style.

In this app, I cannot draw a good line art like whatI can do in medibang. I think the brush may need a function of "correction" to make the tip or edge of every stroke in a best position. Also, I need to spend so much time connecting every stroke’s end while drawing. In medibang, every stroke’s end can really easily connect the next stroke. I can steadfastly compete the lineart there.

Hope you can kindly improve the line art drawing experience.


Hi Chocoric - Thank you for the amazing rating and for sharing your suggestions with us. We're constantly trying to find ways to improve Procreate's features and feedback like yours help us a lot in doing that. As we're planning on making Procreate even more accessible we'll keep a form of line corrector or smoother in mind for a future update.



Overall it's really good but please increase the limit of new layers. It’s so hard to draw when I use a bigger canvas Edit: I hope this includes a function to back up stuff to cloud, sync between devices. exporting files manually is inconvenient Edit2: The app is amazing, however whenever I transform a little small bit of the lineart it gets really blurry. This is a problem please fix it thanks Edit3: is there a way save the creation date? When I import an old file the creation date changes to the date it was imported :/


Edited 18/04/2023: Hey there - unfortunately this is a metadata limitation of the current filetype. This is something that we'd like to improve in the future, for sure. 🙏

Edit ** Do you have Nearest Neighbour set in the Transform toolbar? If so, another Interpolation method would suit you best, and provide a smoother image. I recommend changing your interpolation method to Bilinear, when you are transforming line work or Bicubic for painting. These can be found in the Transform toolbar, under Interpolation.

--- Hi shsjdjsksjs - We decided to introduce a layer limit to ensure the most stable and smoothest experience for our users. We are however very interested in strengthening Procreate to allow more layers on larger canvases in the future.

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Brushes for Procreate
Mental Canvas Draw
Nomad Sculpt - 3D雕刻建模
Affinity Designer 2 for iPad
Adobe Illustrator: Graphic Art