你是否也曾在使用 TikTok、Instagram 或 YouTube 等 App 時,好奇背景音樂是哪一首歌?《Shazam》可以為你快速解答。此外,你還能在此探索現場演出、歌詞和影片等內容。截至目前為止,《Shazam》的安裝次數已超過 20 億次,而且下載次數仍在持續累積中。
「《Shazam》是一款魔法般的 App。」- techradar.com
「《Shazam》是一份禮物⋯⋯它改寫了遊戲規則。」- Pharrell Williams,《GQ》專訪
「我不知道我們在《Shazam》出現之前的日子是怎麼過的。」- Marshmello
在離線時也能查找任意歌曲。這款 App 可以在設備離線時收集音訊資料,並在設備連接網路後開始識別歌曲。無論是使用耳機或多工狀態,也都能找出任何歌曲的名稱。
可聆聽歌曲並加入 Apple Music 歌單。
觀賞 Apple Music 或 YouTube 上的 MV。
直接透過 Apple Music、Spotify 或 Deezer 聆聽歌曲。
「我的天啊⋯⋯這款 App 會讓你大吃一驚⋯⋯你只要按下『Shazam』按鈕,接著神奇的事情發生:你知道那首歌的名字了。」
「這款 App 已完全融入我的日常生活⋯⋯」
「大家!這是有史以來最棒的 App,如果你想知道某首歌是叫什麼或是誰唱的,這就是你在找的 App。」
「我很喜歡這款 App 和 Apple Music 的整合,使用起來非常流暢⋯⋯」
欲瞭解更多或取得 AppleCare 協助,請至 https://support.apple.com/zh-tw/HT210331
版本 18.9
将歌曲同步至 Apple Music 和《Spotify》,现在更容易了!《Shazam》现在会把之前通过控制中心、Siri 和快捷指令中的音乐识别功能发现的歌曲保存到 Apple Music,或《Spotify》中的“我的 Shazam 曲目”歌单。只要在《Shazam》设置中关闭再开启“将您的歌曲同步”,即可重新同步《Shazam》App 的所有历史。你可能需要重启《Spotify》,才能看到更新后的歌单。
在《Shazam》设置中开启“iCloud 同步”,即可无忧储存你的《Shazam》历史,并在设备间及时同步。
Shazam update
Hi Shazam is a really nice app but could use some more inprovements like being able to find the really difficult songs. If Shazam had an upgrade where it was able to find a match for the really hard to find songs I would be happy. So can you make an update for Shazam.
Something duel with offline
Without a doubt, Shazam is a great app that I usually use it to search all the melodic songs around me so I can enjoy and explore more masterpiece in the world. However, it’s only available online. That would be so great to have something like a database to store tones of songs in the world so that people can Shazam the song they love OFFLINE but I understand it’s hard to develop a ”GIANT” storage database here.
Well... I’ve got a suggestion, will it be possible for people to upload MP3 / Video that they have recorded them when OFFLINE from the photo library? I’ve known that many people have the issue of the limited mobile data, so they might not use Shazam if that song doesn’t important to him/her. However, Shazam is a great tool for people to find their love song and I’m sure music is important to everyone, they are the one who reduce stress. So if that’s possible for people to record video or MP3 offline and send/ upload it to Shazam when they have arrived the WIFI area, I pretty sure it will increase the number of users, it also increases the reputation of your company.
Hope it will help you to develop more user-friendly apps to the world. Thank you for reading my comment☺️
The best! Pls load back playlist per genre :))
My favourite app forever!! 👍🏼✅ especially as past time DJ to discover new and old tracks non stop. I used to check your monthly playlist per genres but since few months there is no more :((( Why? Could you fix that for your early user happiness :)))
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- 55.8 MB
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- iPhone
- 須使用 iOS 16.0 或以上版本。
- iPad
- 須使用 iPadOS 16.0 或以上版本。
- Apple Watch
- 須使用 watchOS 9.0 或以上版本。
- Apple Vision
- 須使用 visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。
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