Snapseed 4+


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Snapseed 是由 Google 研發的專業級相片編輯工具,提供完整的影像編修功能。

== 主要功能 ==
• 29 種工具和濾鏡,包括修復、筆刷、結構、高動態範圍和視角 (請參閱下方清單)
• 可開啟 JPG 和 RAW 檔案
• 可儲存個人樣式,並在之後套用到新相片上
• 局部濾鏡筆刷
• 可精確微調各種樣式
• 透過「教學課程」卡片取得 Snapseed 和一般攝影的提示和秘訣

== 工具、濾鏡和臉部 ==
• RAW 顯影 - 開啟並微調原始相機檔案,還可在不影響畫質的前提下,將這種檔案儲存或匯出為 JPG 圖片
• 影像微調 - 利用精細的控制選項,自動或手動調整曝光值和色彩
• 強化細節 - 巧妙突顯圖片的表面結構
• 裁剪 - 將圖片裁剪為標準大小,或是依需求自由調整
• 旋轉 - 將圖片旋轉 90°,或是將傾斜的水平線拉正
• 視角 - 修正傾斜的線條,強化水平線或建築物的幾何美感
• 白平衡 - 調整色彩,讓圖片看起來更自然
• 筆刷 - 局部潤飾曝光值、飽和度、亮度或色溫
• 局部 - 採用知名的「控制點」技術:在圖片上放置最多 8 個控制點,然後指定修飾效果,演算法就會自動為你完成後續作業
• 修復 - 移除團體照中的不速之客
• 暈影 - 在圖片的角落添加柔和的陰影,營造出以大光圈鏡頭拍攝的美麗效果
• 文字 - 在圖片中添加特殊樣式的文字或一般文字 (38 種預先定義的樣式)
• 曲線 - 精確控制相片的亮度
• 展開 - 增加畫布面積,並以智慧獨具的方式利用圖片內容填補新增的空間
• 鏡頭模糊 - 為圖片添加優美的散景效果 (背景柔化),適用於人像攝影
• 魅力光暈 - 為圖片添加迷人的光暈,適用於時尚或人像攝影
• 色調對比 - 局部強化陰影、半調色和高亮度部分的細節
• 高動態範圍圖像 - 套用多重曝光效果,讓圖片更出色
• 戲劇效果 - 為圖片添加末日氛圍
• Grunge - 疊加強烈的風格與紋路,塑造前衛的視覺效果
• 底片顆粒感 - 透過寫實的顆粒營造具現代感的底片效果
• 復古 - 50、60 或 70 年代的彩色底片照風格
• 懷舊 - 運用漏光、刮痕和底片風格讓圖片充滿懷舊感
• 黑白影片 - 透過寫實的顆粒和「刷白」效果,呈現黑白電影的風格
• 黑白 - 以暗房為靈感,製作出經典的黑白相片
• 邊框 - 為圖片添加可調整大小的邊框
• 雙重曝光 - 以電影拍攝和數位圖片處理為靈感,提供多樣的混合模式,讓你輕鬆將 2 張相片融合在一起
• 臉部修飾 - 強化眼部細節,並新增臉部打亮或柔膚效果
• 臉部面向 - 以 3D 模型為基礎,修正人像照的面向


版本 2.25.0

• 修正細微錯誤及小幅改善。


3.2 滿分 5 粒星
303 個評分

303 個評分


The Auto straighten is hard to reset

The Auto straighten function is no option to undo. Every time I use the rotate function, it will automatically do the Auto straighten for the photo. That is sweet, but sometimes i don’t want that auto angle straighten, it was hard to do reset / undo/ manual set to zero.

Would it be have a button to set to zero angle easily? Or it will snap to zero angle when doing manual adjustment.


Too many bugs and crashes

I’ve been a big fan of this app for quite sometime since my Iphone XR(not that it matters). I’ve been experiencing quite a lot of bugs these days in the app such as while zooming in and out of image while editing. My whole screen blinks on the edges if i try to zoom out quickly and thus am forced to close the app and restart. Also, the “tune” function has gotten even worse . As i press Tune mode the whole screen freezes and yet again, i am forced to shut down the app and restart.. It’s getting worse day by day. I even tried deleting and reinstalling the app but in vain . I used to love this app so much as there were so many editing functions to play with. Now i’m just annoyed by the bugs and crashes .. I strongly recommend the developers to look into this asap ! 😰😰😰

Don Ellis

Read this if you’re having problems.

[Note: I’m assuming that “Compatible with iOS 12” is a misprint – but in any case, it’s the Snapseed update released in early October 2019.]
With the previous version of Snapseed, I couldn’t load photos inside the app. I would select a photo, but there was no “Use” I could click to get It into the app. Instead, I had to go to Photos, select Share and copy the photo to the clipboard. Then in Snapseed, I could use Open, Paste Image and it worked.

So when I updated to the latest version of Snapseed, I assumed this would be fixed – it wasn’t. Same problem. But I found the solution – delete Snapseed and reinstall it.

Now, getting a photo into Snapseed is even easier than before. Tap Open, find the image you want in Photos, tap the image and it simply comes into Snapseed. Lovely.

Again, DELETE Snapseed and REINSTALL, even if you don’t think you have any problems.

I agree with others that the menu is pretty primitive, but Snapseed is very, very useful – and it’s free.

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