The year of you

Welcome the Chinese New Year with these apps and games.

This Chinese New Year belongs to you. You’re the star, so celebrate like one and treat yourself to these apps and games. They all feature special content to help you ring in the new year in style.

Are you all set?

Before the holidays begin, get a jump on your customised greetings for colleagues with Canva. Then add some festive flair to your social media posts by sprucing up photos in Enlight Photofox. 

And don’t forget to keep the little ones busy creating cards for family and friends using Disney Coloring Magic.

Celebrate your way

Don’t stress, there’s still time to kick back and relax with some gaming. In Night of the Full Moon, blow off some steam shooing away the party-spoiling Nian Monster with firecrackers, or dress up for a fireworks show in Forsaken World.