Pinpoint your location, wherever you are in the world.

what3words: Navigation & Maps

Navigate to any exact location


What3words has a unique three-word combination for every three-metre square on Earth. These combos enable friends or emergency services to locate your exact position when traditional addresses are unavailable or unsuitable. So even if you’re on a solitary bench in a vast park or on a remote roadside in your conked-out car, you can be found.

What we love: The app isn’t just great in emergencies – Photo mode carries a certain romance. Upload an image of an important moment and What3words immortalises which of the planet’s 57 trillion squares it was taken in, by adding a customisable sticker of the address. The app also works offline, is compatible with other navigation apps and supports voice entry.

Provide precise directions to friends or emergency services using What3words.

Quick tip: If you’d rather have a parcel stashed in the shed than in plain sight on the doorstep, many delivery companies now accept What3words addresses.

Meet the creator: What3words was created in the UK by Chris Sheldrick, Mohan Ganesalingam and Jack Waley-Cohen. The team set out to create a simple and concise way to describe location that would be as precise as GPS coordinates.