다음 카페 - Daum Cafe 12+

Kakao Corp.

    • Ingyenes



Daum Cafe has served as a place to share your stories since 1999. Now you can enjoy Daum Cafe's special features more conveniently through the app!

◈ Huddle-free Space Table
- Create posts and comments directly in the Table of your favorite topics.
- In Public Table, you can talk about various things freely without signing up or registering.
- In Verified Table, you can set gender and year of birth to meet only verified people.

◈ Real-Time Popular Posts
- Top 100 hot posts are displayed in real time! Time will fly while you read them.
- You can also see weekly and monthly popular posts for the past six months.
※ Popular posts are collected based on posts on cafes which are open for search.

◈ Brand new editor & commenting
- Now you can modify what you write on your PC!
- you can easily attach various items such as photos, videos, emoticons and polls.
- A special feature only available on Daum Cafe App! You can write comments while looking at a post and its comments.

◈ Daum Official Fancafe
- Cheer for your star as much as you love.
- You can use Star schedule and Participate/Level-up boards only on Official Fancafe!

◈ Notification features
- Set Favorite Boards and Friends to receive notifications for new posts.
- Set "keyword notification" to receive notifications for posts including the pre-registered keywords.
- Set Favorite Posts to receive notifications when a new comment is added.

◈ Bookmark and other features
- Bookmark posts that you like. You can group them using tags and access them from PC too.
- Get in touch with your Cafe friends using DM features.
- Other useful features are also available such as Cafe Theme, Password Setting and 3D Touch.

▷ About App Access Permission
1) Required Permission
- None

2) Optional Permission
- Album: To upload photos to a post and for the app home & member information.
- Camera: To take photos
- Microphone: To record videos
- Calendar: To save the schedule in my calendar
- Notifications: Used for notifications of posts, announcements, etc.

※ You may still use the service even if you do not grant optional permissions.


Verzió 6.2.1

This v6.2.1 provides :
- Offers posts from subscribed cafes in Search.
- Table administrators can ban users.
- Table post writers can disable comments.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and app stabilization.

App adatvédelme

A fejlesztő (Kakao Corp.) jelezte, hogy az app adatvédelmi gyakorlatai az alább ismertetettek szerint az adatok kezelésére is kiterjedhetnek.További információkért tekintse meg a következőt: fejlesztő adatvédelmi szabályzata.

A tevékenysé­gé­nek nyo­mon követé­sé­re használt adatok

Az alábbi adatokat felhasznál­hatjuk arra, hogy nyomon kövessük az Ön más cégek tulajdonában lévő appokban és web­oldalakon folytatott tevékeny­ségét:

  • Azonosítók
  • Használati adatok

Önhöz nem társított adatok

Az alábbi adatokat begyűjthetjük, de nem társítjuk a személy­azonos­ságához:

  • Felhasználói tartalmak
  • Keresési előzmények
  • Azonosítók
  • Használati adatok
  • Diagnosztika

Az adatvédelmi gyakorlatok eltérőek lehetnek az Ön által használt funkciók vagy életkora alapján. Bővebben

Több ettől a fejlesztőtől

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