BlackJack -- Lite 17+

GASP Mobile Games Inc

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BlackJack, also known as Twenty-one or Vingt-et-un (French: "twenty-one"), is the most widely played casino banking game in the world. BlackJack is a comparing card game between a player and dealer and played with one or more French decks of 52 cards. The player is dealt an initial two card hand with the option of drawing cards to bring the total value to 21 or less without exceeding it, so that the dealer will lose by having a lesser hand than the player or by exceeding 21. Since the 1960s, BlackJack has been a high profile target of advantage players, particularly card counters, who track the profile of cards yet to be dealt, and adapt their wager and playing strategy accordingly. While in our implementation we do not teach counting, we do offer basic strategy hints to train you on how to improve your odds. Many rule variations of BlackJack exist. Our implementation offers most common casino rules:
- Play with 4 decks
- Decks are reshuffled when there is less than 20 cards left.
- Dealer stands on soft 17
- Player can split twice
- Neither surrender nor insurance are offered
- When hints are enabled, player would need to confirm his choice if it's not the most optimum action.

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