Daily Schedule -easy timetable 4+


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iPhone képernyőfotók


Why to use this App

◦ Timetable Scheduler allows users to easily manage schedule management, timetable management, schedule management and more!
◦ Schedule your time in 5 minute, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour.
◦ Set up your study schedule according to your requirements.
◦ Daily Schedule - Easy Timetable is best for students as they can schedule their study by subject or by class.
◦ Get daily/weekly schedules right through the widget for your schedule, timetable and much more
◦ Conveniently manage multiple schedules!
◦ Feel free to change the app settings as you like.
◦ Simply register for classes and choose the color you want!
◦ Daily and weekly timetables can be easily modified and deleted anywhere with one click!
◦ Time table app with the simplest scheduler, such as time selection
◦ Faculty can set up college timetables, class timetables, and even personal schedule management!
◦ Time table app for easy entry of recurring schedules
◦ Time table app for PDF conversions
→ Printed Time table App
→ Library, reading room, children's time table, private institutes, small club, etc.
◦ Schedule time accurately by setting the notification
◦ Select only the days of the week, and the order of the display will be as desired.
◦ Check the completed schedule with a check box
◦ Create a memo to manage important tasks separately

[Key Functions]
1. Creating a timetable for study, train timetable, bus timetable
- Create 'multiple' timetable as required
- Select 1 hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/10 minutes/5 minutes time units
- Can be created by copying a timetable that has already been created
- Select the display time from 0:00 to 12:00 the next day.
※ Click the name of the timetable to change it.

2. Create a daily plan for your schedule
- Set plans, colors, notes, notifications on the 'Select Time First' pop-up screen
- Press the ↓ button to extend the plan to the time below
- Press the ↑ button to extend the plan to the above time
- Delete the plan by pressing the X button
- Undo and Redo possible
- Check the completed schedule with a check box

3. Copying Plans
- Copy button to copy the plan to another day of the week, another time
- Full daily/weekly copy is also possible

4. Notification Functions

5. Memo function
- Manage important tasks separately by memo.

6. Weekly Timetable View
- Select the Week tab to view the one-week timetable schedules
- Set letter size as desired

7. PDF Output Functions
- Convert created timetable to PDF file
- Provide a blank schedule if you have not created a timetable.
- Print as soon as wireless printing is connected

8. Back up, restore, and share a planner based on email ID authentication
- Planner Full Backup and Restore
→ Data can be maintained even when changing devices
- Planner can be shared
→ Planner transfer and download from inbox

9. Various settings
- App Mode : Weekly Mode / Calendar Mode
- First Screen : Today or Week
- Display order of the week: Select Monday → Sunday, Sunday → Saturday
- Display Time type : 12 Hr or 24 Hr


Verzió 1.1.16

Add an option for "Week" tab display time (+PDF) on the settings screen: From Only, From ~ To.
- When selecting "From ~ To," display both start time and end time.

App adatvédelme

A fejlesztő (JUNWON SEO) jelezte, hogy az app adatvédelmi gyakorlatai az alább ismertetettek szerint az adatok kezelésére is kiterjedhetnek.További információkért tekintse meg a következőt: fejlesztő adatvédelmi szabályzata.

A tevékenysé­gé­nek nyo­mon követé­sé­re használt adatok

Az alábbi adatokat felhasznál­hatjuk arra, hogy nyomon kövessük az Ön más cégek tulajdonában lévő appokban és web­oldalakon folytatott tevékeny­ségét:

  • Elérhetőségi adatok
  • Felhasználói tartalmak
  • Használati adatok

Önhöz nem társított adatok

Az alábbi adatokat begyűjthetjük, de nem társítjuk a személy­azonos­ságához:

  • Vásárlások
  • Elérhetőségi adatok
  • Felhasználói tartalmak
  • Azonosítók
  • Használati adatok
  • Diagnosztika
  • Egyéb adatok

Az adatvédelmi gyakorlatok eltérőek lehetnek az Ön által használt funkciók vagy életkora alapján. Bővebben

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