How to Manage a Small Law Firm 4+

How To Manage A Small Law Firm, LLC

    • Ingyenes



You’re READY to take action in your business. You’re SET to educate yourself (with some guidance & direction of course). And most of all, YOU’RE ready to GO, to make changes that’ll FINALLY set your law firm on a path to growth and profitability! But...

There’s a problem: you’re not quite sure where to start.

Download the app and gain access to powerful, proven content that will teach you:

- When, why and how to hire, train, manage and make a profit with staff.

- How to anticipate the growth of your firm and what infrastructure you better have in place to keep the train from running out of track.

- How to market to get more and better clients...and keep the wrong clients away!

- The best ways to systematize & organize the workflow in your law firm.

- Strategies to comfortably, ethically, and profitably sell & convert prospective new clients into paying clients who are more cooperative and refer more business to you.

- How to get more done in less time & make fewer apologies to your kids & your clients too.

Being a successful entrepreneur / law firm business owner isn’t just about the strategies. It’s also about the mindset. There I said it. Mindset. We could give you all the tips, strategies but without a fit mind…it all goes to shit. There I said it. We’re gonna show you what the good life is all about!

Download the app. Search for a topic. Listen. Make money. Repeat.


Verzió 9.0

-Minor bug fixes.
-User interface enhancements.

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