Lotte Calculator 4+

Ilias Nikolaidis Olsson

    • Ingyenes
    • Appbeli vásárlást kínál



· History Tape: Save & Copy
· No Ads
· Double Click to Copy
· Quick Correction Algorithm
· Easy editing with cursor
· Prediction Algorithm
· Calculation output displayed in a natural way
· Complex & Simple Calc

I have always wanted to create a calculator that i actually liked. So i did my best & created what is now Lotte Calculator. The design takes inspiration from the calculator designed by apple, but with a lot of added functionality and with a different way of displaying the calculation. Writing long & complex calculations is a lot easier, output is displayed in a natural way letting you see the entire calculation. Being able to see the entire calculation also lets you click & edit in a quick and easy way. We do not use any annoying ads, we don't like ads... but extended use will eventually make a watermark appear indicating that it's the free version.

A really nice feature in Lotte Calculator is that we added the functionality of viewing recently made calculations right above the calculator. Not only does this give you an easy way to look back on previously made calculations, but it also lets you in an easy way go back & continue a calculation by just clicking on it. You are also able of viewing all of your calculations by clicking in the top left of the calculator which navigates you to the "History" page with a full list of all your calculations.

This app is free but does have in-app-purchases. The app is free & includes all features listed above, but feel free to support the app by buying one of the in app purchases. This unlocks features like dark mode & also removes an annoying watermark that appears after some time of using the app.


Verzió 1.1.0

- iPad Support is here, you can now use this app on iPad!
- Additional features added to iPad version, a lot more to come in the near future!
- Improvements for larger phones

App adatvédelme

A fejlesztő (Ilias Nikolaidis Olsson) jelezte, hogy az app adatvédelmi gyakorlatai az alább ismertetettek szerint az adatok kezelésére is kiterjedhetnek.További információkért tekintse meg a következőt: fejlesztő adatvédelmi szabályzata.

Nem történik adatgyűjtés

A fejlesztő semmilyen adatot nem gyűjt ebből az appból.

Az adatvédelmi gyakorlatok eltérőek lehetnek az Ön által használt funkciók vagy életkora alapján. Bővebben

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