Witch Cry: Horror House 12+


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    • 4,5 • 13 értékelés
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Just like every good tale begins, once upon a time… there was a couple of witches who lived happily with their son in a house in the woods. They hunted using their magical powers and sometimes they faced scary monsters.

But one day… Something completely changed the story: their pets, the dark fairies, escaped from the basement of the house and unleashed a series of disastrous events.

Since then, she became a crying witch who never stopped moaning about those disasters. What happened with the fairies? Where is her family? Try and discover it!

Explore a house full of magic and impersonate Timmy, a kid who has been kidnapped by the witch. Complete puzzles while solving the mysteries of this new villain.


- Adorable cartoon graphics never seen before in Keplerians games.
- Puzzles that make sense in the magical context of this game. An arm protecting a chest? Why is there a nose on the door?
- A story filled with tragedy, horror and fantasy inspired by traditional fairy tales.
- Face an evil witch in several ways and knock her out for a while.
- Intense chasings inside the witch’s haunted house, with an artificial intelligence that will surprise you.
- Different game difficulty modes that will test your abilities.
- Discover the different spells and show your skills with a magic wand.
- Hint system that will show you where to go in case you get stuck.

What are you waiting for? Download Witch Cry for free and tell your friends the story of the crying witch!

This game has been developed by Honi Games. We are sure you are going to enjoy it just as much as the other Keplerians games!

We strongly recommend playing this game with earphones for a better experience.

This game contains ads.


Verzió 1.2.6

- Ad libraries update
- Several improvements

Értékelések és vélemények

4,5 / 5
13 értékelés

13 értékelés

hduehgygsgsgs ,

Clock problem

Hey there!

I got a problem. I know this game is so good, i like that style of your games, nice graphics, that not bad! But I got now an isssue. The clock in the game has not got the second arrow so I can’t finnish the game cuz that. So pls fix that.🙏


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