Can you boss the BMX run?

Test your nerve and skill in Trail Boss BMX.

Trail Boss BMX

Big jumps, big stunts.


Dust yourself off and go again. It’s good advice to remember when playing Trail Boss BMX, an adrenaline-filled action sports game where your face will spend as much time in the dirt as your wheels. At least at first.

Fortunately your rider will help you out. You need to tap either side of the screen to steer but he’ll pedal his way down the trail automatically. That gives you a bit more time to think about which YouTube-worthy trick you’re going to try throw off the next jump.

And, here, these airborne acrobatics are as important as actually getting to the bottom of the hill.

Getting to the bottom of the hill is just the start in Trail Boss BMX.

While carefully timed flicks of your left thumb will serve up an array of spectacular tricks, the right looks after your mid-air rotation. So swiping left with your left digit sees you perform a barspin while pulling back with the right adds in a backflip.

After a few practice runs you’ll quickly be using these newly-acquired skills to complete a series of challenges.

Pulling big tricks is one thing. Sticking the landing is something else entirely.

From hitting a specific points total to sticking that elusive double backflip, double tailwhip (seriously, try it) the difficulty of these tasks progresses nicely, ensuring you never get too comfortable.

Each successful run unlocks new levels and challenges, and by the time you reach the game’s stomach-churning final levels, you’ll be a bona fide BMX boss. Gnarly, indeed.