Fast ways to get fit

Because exercise doesn’t have to be a chore.

Want to get fit but don’t have the time to dedicate your life to extensive marathon training, creating a macro-balanced diet plan or nightly workouts followed by hours of sharing said workouts on Instagram? Don’t worry, these time-friendly fitness apps are for you.

Take Seven minutes

You’re busy, we know, but you can carve out seven minutes in your day for you, right? Maybe before work, or when the kids are in bed. That’s all it takes to fit in a workout with Seven. It doesn’t sound like much, because it’s not. Each high-intensity workout, however, will quickly get your heart rate up and keep it there as you cycle through that day’s mixture of core, cardio and strength exercises. Just 15 more seconds, keep pushing.

Work out in a matter of minutes with Seven.

Give yourself 30 days

We’ve all made it a solid three days into a fitness kick before not looking at gym clothes for six weeks and wondering why we’re not feeling as toned as we wanted. With 30 Day Fitness you commit to a month’s training – that’s it. Just select your plan (options range from weight loss to ab sculpting) and the app will keep things fresh across the month with a variety of workout options that will help you see the fun in fitness. Who knows, you might want to carry on beyond day 30.

Commit to a month of exercise and 30 Day Fitness will ensure you don’t lose interest.

Set your own limits

Your days aren’t always the same, and Adidas Training by Runtastic knows that. That’s why the app lets you set your own workout limits. The Workout Creator tool helps you tailor what parts of your body you want to work on that day, with a sliding scale letting you set the workout time anywhere between seven and 45 minutes. We think we’ll just slide that down this time…

Select a workout time that suits your schedule in Adidas Training by Runtastic.

Steal a moment

Not really paying attention to that current work call or waiting for the kettle to boil? Wakeout is filled with exercises that make the most of those lost moments – ideal if you’re struggling to find the time to work out. Filled with simple stretches and strength exercises to keep you active and energised throughout the day, you can even fit in a session while you’re sitting down or lying on the sofa. That’s our type of exercise.

Struggling to find the time to get fit? Maximise your breaks with Wakeout.

Prep for the week

You know how it goes: all your good intentions to eat well go out of the window as soon as you feel a bit tired. MealPrepPro puts you ahead of the fatigue curve, getting you to prep a week’s worth of nutritional meals in one go. Select your dietary requirements, customise your calorie count, swap out any unwanted options and then cook. Now, when it’s Wednesday evening and you want a greasy pizza, all you need to do is grab your pre-prepped food from the fridge, reheat it and enjoy. Temptation avoided.

MealPrepPro makes planning a week’s worth of nutritional meals easy.