Go from zero to hero in Calculator 2: The Game.

Calculator 2: The Game

Save the world with MATH!


A virus is threatening the planet! The only way to stop it? Maths! On an old-school pocket calculator.

This may sound like a tedious nightmare, but Calculator 2: The Game’s numerical head-scratchers are an absolute joy.

To conquer the evil Clicky plague, players must quickly solve digital conundrums in a limited number of moves. An early equation, for example, tasks you with adding threes and twos to reach your goal of eight – in just three taps.

All that stands between Clicky and world domination is your brainpower.

The puzzles get progressively harder, but that degree in accounting won’t necessarily help you crack the more difficult problems. Calculator 2 regularly ignores real-world maths for the totally made-up kind.

While the initial challenges call on basic arithmetic, it isn’t long before the game starts layering in new rules and mechanics, like putting buttons on your device that can add or remove digits to number strings.

Ditch the zero, multiply by two...

It makes for some truly inspired puzzles. Your virus-vanquishing is wrapped up in charming, retro-style presentation, complete with buttons that audibly click. Oh, and there’s a cute, wisecracking companion who chips in with tips, narrative beats and jokes about avocado toast.

Whether you love maths or just dream of saving the world, Calculator 2 fits the bill. Evil, your days are numbered.