Map out your highs and lows with Moodistory.

Moodistory - Mood Tracker

The Wellbeing Diary


Life is about ups and downs. But knowledge is also power – the more you understand your moods and triggers, the less they control you.

This is the theory behind Moodistory, a part-journal, part-mini motivator, which wants to put you back in charge of how you feel. It might feel strange at first, but go with it: start by telling Moodistory your name (or nickname), so the cute avatar knows who you are. It’ll prompt you to enter how you’re feeling on a scale of 1 to 6, by drawing a smiley (or frowning) face.

Keep track of your habits easily.

Then input the details of what you did that day: from leisure activities like writing or meditating; to the drinks you consumed (coffee, or something harder); to your social life – did you argue with your partner? Spend time with a friend? – and whether you logged a workout.

Each entry ends up on a calendar and – here’s the clever bit – Moodistory will start to extract patterns, so you can check your ‘stats’ to see what might be influencing your moods.

Before long, you’ll have an at-a-glance perspective on the emotional shape of your month. You can set a reminder to nudge you to record an entry every day, at the same time. Time to get in the right frame of mind.