Expert analysis and breaking news on your favourite clubs and leagues.

The Athletic: Football News

Unrivalled football insight.


So you want a news hub focused on your favourite sports clubs and leagues? Original reporting from in-the-know experts regularly covering action from the press box? The Athletic has it all. Your top teams are pinned to a clean, curated home screen of breaking news, long reads, interviews and audio content – all zooming in on your passions.

What we love: The app’s huge audio library, providing insight from beat writers and special guests. There’s also a great podcast experience covering everything from women’s football to fantasy baseball, a dedicated tab for live scores (including all the key stats) and a Discover tab housing trending stories from the major leagues.

The Athletic is the home of world-class sports journalism.

Quick tip: A subscription is required (no ads, ever) but members get five 30-day passes to share with friends, granting unlimited access.

Meet the creator: Launched in 2016 by former colleagues Alex Mather and Adam Hansmann, The Athletic debuted a more refined approach to sports reporting: fully national and league-wide coverage but with a deep focus on local scenes. It casts a wide net, while also offering the intense detail and intelligent coverage demanded by fans who live and breathe their favourite teams and individual stars.