
Sports Team Management


If you’ve fallen into the role of your football team or running club’s unofficial leader, you’ll know how difficult it can be to get multiple people to agree to a single plan. Helping streamline the administrative stresses, Spond gives some much needed structure to your group scheduling.

Letting you organise a group of friends, or keep parents informed on an upcoming kids event, the app lets you create a one off or repeating events that act as hubs of information for those you invite to take part.

Knowing that things aren’t going to be easy, the app lets you create these plans not just around a single locked-in date, but around a range of possible timings that invitees can vote on.

Thanks to Spond, organising group sporting events is now less stressful.

And this isn’t the only way Spond will help you please the masses. You can easily share update posts for all to see and send payment requests to some or all members when those booking fees are due.

There’s no need to worry about corralling all members of your group to download the app, either – messages can be sent out via text or email.

And, although Spond will help you take the stress out of the process, when you want to rope others into the organisational responsibilities you can share the load by adding additional group admins. Who said this leading lark was hard?