Set daily goals and stay motivated to complete them.

Avocation - Habit Tracker

Daily planner & ADHD organizer


Conquer mental clutter with Avocation, a smart organiser that makes keeping on top of your to-do list and setting goals fun. Want to simplify your schedule, stick to a new routine or stop procrastinating once and for all? This is the app for you.

Complete your to-dos and your virtual plant will grow in celebration.

What we love: There’s plenty to keep you motivated here. Your tasks appear as circular icons that you design – pick colours you like so you’ll want to look at them. And your progress is visualised as a virtual water bottle and plant, which fill up and grow respectively with each task you complete.

Read about the positive impacts of routines to reset your focus.

Quick tip: Set notifications for each task, so it’s easy to keep track of what you need to do and when. Having trouble staying focused? Hit the lightbulb icon and tap through the short “lessons”, which cover habit formation, how to optimise your routines and more – they’ll keep you in the zone.

Meet the creator: Avocation was the first app created by David Jöch and Daria Travnytska. The pair launched Mindvoll, based in Austria, in September 2020.